chapter 12

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After the talk with Tessa, I went to my room. I took a shower, changed into my leggings and baby blue oversized swearshirt, I find myself wearing that kind of clothes everytime I go to work, it has most sense, it's comfortable and I have to wear an apron over it after all. I'm looking at the mirror, staring in my hair, feeling like I'm patiently looking at every lock, every wave, wondering if they are good enough or should I just put it in a bun. Today, feeling surprisingly confident about it, I put two pieces from the front at the back of my head and braid that small amount of hair, making sure that no hair will be found in any of the drinks. I don't feel like wearing makeup today so I just put on a chapstick and call it a day.

When I walk back in my room I see that I have 30 more minutes before I have to go to work so I decide to facetime Jen and Gabe. With my laptop on the desk facing my bed and me sitting on the bed with my phone in my hands so I could keep my eye on the time, I lean closer to the laptop and press the call button. Quickly after, Jen and Gabe's faces show up on my screen and a wide smile on my face. The knot in my stomach I didn't even know about tightens and I realize how much I've missed them.

"Hello ladies" Gabe being the first to break the silence, as always, I watch him laying on his bed, his blond hair all over his forehead and pillow, his hazel eyes smiling on their own and a huge smile that makes my knot even tighter and all I want to do is grab both of them in a hug and if it's possible, never let go.

"Hi guys, what's up?" My eyes go from the right side of my laptop screen to the left one where I can see Jen's face. From the look of her background, I can see that she's sitting on her couch in the living room, probably watched some reruns of her favorite shows, her red hair in a messy bun, her green eyes on us but occasionally looking at the tv, probably keeping up with the show, her freckles show less now since she's not in the Sun as much anymore and her lips in a small smile making her look like a princess. A laugh escapes my mouth with a little bit sadness following it when I remember that I would probably be next to her if I didn't have to work, and I wouldn't have to work if I didn't move. But then again, I wouldn't be happy if I didn't move, and I wouldn't know about Tay. Oh, right, Tay! I need to tell them.

"Hey, my bestest friends. How are you today? How are you spending your Saturdays? I don't tell you enough but I love you my little munchkins!" I let all my love and affection hover them because I really do love them. I really do miss them and even if I only have thirty minutes with them, I will spend them gracefully. I decide not to tell them about Tay because I would have to tell them everything and we don't have time for that since I want to hear about their lives as well.

We talk for about twenty minutes, until Gabe says he needs to go to help his mum with lunch in five minutes. So I decide it's the time to ask them what I've been planning on asking them the whole phone call, but didn't because I was overthinking again. You know, the usual, maybe they don't want to anymore, maybe they're just being nice and talking to me, maybe this and maybe that. But I shut those thoughts out and proceed with my plan.

"Jen, Gabe I want to ask you something. So, I've been planning this since I moved here and Tessa said it was okay, now I just need your answers. If you're up for it, next Friday I would come home, I want to hang out with Damien and our parents are out of town. When I go back, I wanted to bring you two with me, we could go to a party where you will meet the people I hang out with, then we would be tired and probably fall asleep on each other, on Saturday I can show you around, show you where I work then we could have our usual sleepover with lots of unhealthy food and even more tv shows, you know catch up what we're missing, I would bring you back on Sunday with my car, you don't have to worry about the gas or anything, what do you say?" Please say yes so I can show you that I'm happy and that I can introduce you to Tay and everyone and that I can prove to you that me moving was for the best. I just want you to be proud of me. Those were the thoughts in my mind when I asked them to come, I really do want them to be proud, I want them to see that I didn't just leave them and fail. I made something.

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