chapter 9

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He opened his door and gestured for me to walk in. Walk in. In his apartment. At night. Alone. For the first time. It's okay, I'm okay. Maybe I'll calm myself down if I keep telling myself that. I walked in and moved slowly with my arms in front of me searching for object in dark. He closed the door and it was pitch black. I felt him getting closer to me and I froze. I felt a wall with my right arm so I leaned on it, I was okay until I felt him, his chest were on mine but his head was leaning backwards so he could look at me even though we only saw the smallest amount of things thanks to our eyes getting used to the dark.

"So you're saying I don't make you nervous?" He whispered, with his raspy sexy voice. I could feel my heart wanting to jump out of my skin, but that was nothing new. We get it, he has this sort of power over me. What made me happy was that I could also feel his heart jumping in his chest. Did I do that? Did I have that affect on him? I swallowed the golf ball, again.

"Yes." I tried to sound as serious as I could but all it came out was a whisper.

"And now?" he said leaning closer to me when I felt something on my right shoulder pocking me. I raised my arm checking what it was and when I pressed it the light turned on. I quickly slipped under him escaping from him even though it was the last thing I wanted.

"You have a nice apartment" I said, clearing my throat. Looking around the apartment something caught my attention. It was a piano. It wasn't the big kind like I had at home, well former home. It was the smaller one that only had the front part of it. It was placed in the corner and if you played, you had a view from the window above it. "You play?" I ask turning to look at him, he was still leaning on the wall, his hands in his pocket, looking at me.

"No, it was there when I moved in." I nodded "Why? you do?" I look at him walk towards me, making left turn and sitting on the couch. I was thinking about telling him or not, but I don't even know why I wanted to lie to him about it. Maybe I was afraid he would ask me questions I didn't know answers to.

"Played. Past tense." I answered, looking at him. He stood from his seat and sat next to me. Close.

"Princess." he took my hand in his.

"Hm?" was all I can give him right now. If only he knew the power he had over me.

"Would you play something for me?"

"Tay..I haven't played in over two years."



"I want to hear you play." He said looking at me. I rolled my eyes because I figured that he could get whatever he asked for with those eyes. Let's hope he won't ask for something more.. serious. I groaned and went to the piano. Pulling the chair out, sitting down, dusting the dust away, opening the piano. I stared at it for a bit, chills went through my spine. I looked at him and saw him leaning on his palm with his elbow on his knee while he was sitting like he was about to do some yoga. I smiled at my view.

"Any requests?" I asked as I played some warm ups, I felt like the piano burned me when I played the first note but soon it all came to me and I remembered how much I loved playing random songs and how much joy it gave me. In the past at least.

"Princess," I looked at him again "play me something you feel right now" I was thinking for a bit before I remembered the song I love at the moment. It's called 'mean it' by Lauv and Lany. I used to be able to play songs from just the sound of it but it's been a while. I Know he doesn't expect me to sing so I'm just gonna see if I can get the rhythm right. I started playing and he dragged a chair so he can sit next to me, when I was sure I got the sound under control I looked at him and started singing.

it's now!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt