chapter 4

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Driving, I kept thinking about how my life's gonna change soon and i didn't even notice the smirk on my face. Wow, I really am ready to turn my life around, I'm sad that my relationship with my mother is what it is but then I remember that she probably won't even care and all the things she and her words made me do and suddenly I don't feel sorry at all for leaving. All though I am sorry for leaving Damie to do the dirty work for me since he's gonna be the one to tell her I'm long gone when she comes home from work. I keep thinking about my best friends and how our hug felt like a 'goodbye' hug more than a 'see you' hug and I can't help but thinking about will they forget me? Will they realize that they're better off without me? I know they love me but I also know that drama somehow keeps following me so they must be at least a little relieved to get some time off. Will we stay in touch? God, I certainly hope so.

After brushing off the bad thoughts I keep my eyes straight on the rode listening to music with my volume only on a five. I personally think that I'm a great driver, but there's something about loud songs that just takes too much of my focus when I drive so it's in my habit to keep the music low. When I was close to Tessa's building ,which by the way I should start calling home, I stopped at the Starbucks to get us some drinks. I walk in and was greeted with an large smile of the person taking the order.

"Good day mam, what will your order be?" he asks without the smile leaving off his face, I bet it's in their job to smile all the time, shit, will I have to do that too?

"Wow, mam? Really? That certainly makes me feel good about my self" I say with an obvious sarcasm in my voice so he could know that I'm joking. All though I don't know where I was going with this.

"I am deeply sorry if I hurt your obviously young feelings" he says with probably even more sarcasm than me.

"I'll let this one slip." I chuckle. "I would take the chocolate chip frappuccino" I stay silent for a second not knowing what to get Tessa. "...and would you happen to know Tessa's order? Tessa Bauer? She works here." I say awkwardly hoping that he has an answer.

"Yeah, sure, coming right up. What's your middle name?" he asks as he's holding a black marker and a cup.

"Excuse me?" I say with a really confused face. I love my middle name, I think it goes really well with my first one but it's just awkward because no one who doesn't know your first name asks you for you middle one.

"Oh, it's kind of my thing, I write people's middle names on the cups because I think that they don't get enough attention and usually they are more interesting" he chuckles and I keep looking at him with an amused face. I see that he's telling the truth because he already wrote 'Anne' on Tessa's cup.

"Jade. My middle name is Jade." I look at him like I wait for an approval to my middle name as he looks at me like comparing my face to my middle name.

"Suits you." he says simply. "So are you Tessa's cousin that she got the job for?" he asks and has his wide smile back.

"I am her cousin, but I didn't know that she actually managed to get me the job" I say suddenly realizing how this day is going surprisingly well.

"Oh, I'm pretty sure she can manage to do everything, she wouldn't stop annoying our boss until she got it for you. Anyways, here are your orders, see you soon behind this counter." he says with a smirk. I start to pull my money out of my wallet when he breaks the silence. "It's on the house." I look at him, surprised at his offer.

"Won't you get in trouble?" I ask because I really don't want him to get in trouble because of me and I would like not to get fired before I start working.

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