chapter 15

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"I missed you so much!" Those are the only words I can hear Damie say while I'm giving him probably the strongest hug ever. I knew I missed him, but I think that when I saw him, it was the first time that everything fell apart in me. I was crying at this point. Happy tears, sad tears, you name it, I have it.

"Oh, believe me, I missed you more." We were laying on Damie's bed on our back, sick of all the food Boris brought over with our hands on our tummy. It was maybe an hour and a half since I came and we just ate and watched an episode of friends. We talked about how we are and how is everything going at home. Mom seems to not care that I'm gone, which is not surprising but it still hurts and I hate it, I hate that she still has the power of hurting me. Dad and I talk every saturday and he texts me here and there asking if I have everything I need. Even though he said that I'm allowed to use only my money, I know that he cares enough to give me anything I need. Although I'm thankful that I don't need anything since my bank account and my job provide me with more than enough and I'm very grateful to be blessed with everything I have, I would go insane if I had to stay home because I depend on mom. Mom, however is more and more absent says Damie. "Well Damie, this was nice but it's time for important conversations now!"

"Oh no Maddie, what did you do? Where is Tessa? Did you kill Tess when you were in one of your moods? I knew this was going to happen." I purposely let him finish because I knew he was joking by that smirk he was wearing.

"Oh ha ha, you're so funny Damie. No, Tess is fine and alive."

"I'll believe it when I see it." I hear him mumble under his breath.

"Oh shut it Damien, I'm trying to be serious here, or do you just not want to know?" I shrug suddenly really interested in my nails, pretending I don't care. I don't know how but no matter how old we get, that method always works!

"Okay, kay spill sis" I turn to him, and taking his hand in mine, I swear if I keep it in any longer I will hear myself squeal.

"I, Madison Jade, have met a boy." I watch intensely to see my little brothers reaction. Angry? I would understand that, trying to be an overprotective brother you know. Happy? I would understand that too, I swear he asked me on several occasions if I were gay and always claimed that he needs some proof that I'm not because apparently he thought I was hiding a girl from him. But what I saw was.. was that amusement? Oh hell naw, I am very capable of finding myself a boyfriend. It was my choice to be alone.. for seventeen years.

"Do my ears fool me? Did I or did I not just hear that my sister, Madison Jade, met a boy? I'm happy for you Mads but you do know that stalking still isn't the same as meeting right?" I scoffed, ha that little brat.

"Well I don't know Damien, you tell me, does dating someone for almost a month come to your definition od meeting?" now it was my turn to smirk. He was quiet for a while and then he covered his mouth with his hand.

"Oh wow, you're not kidding, are you? You have a boyfriend. YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?"

"Relax! I was making sure that it's serious before I let you know."

"So it's serious?"

"I like him Damie. I like him very much!"

"Do you love him?" that question took me off guard a bit, I didn't even think about it. We aren't even dating for that long and there are still many thing I haven't told him and vice versa. Not to mention the thing I'm most scared

"No, I'm not in love with him. But, I like him so much Damie, I can see it going that way."

"I don't know Mads, you're young, currently very vulnerable, I don't want you getting hurt Maddie, you know I just want you happy."

"He makes me happy. Don't worry about me Damie, I'll be fine! I promise. You can meet him when you come visit me and Tess in two weeks." I smiled at the thought of Tay being excited to meet my brother, with his mom gone and his dad not being around, plus him being an only child he was really excited when I asked him if he wanted to meet Damie, I swear he wouldn't stop smiling for the whole day, it was the cutest thing.

Soon enough I was in my car on my way to pick Gabe and Jen up. One done, two more to go I thought to myself.


I'm standing in front of Hale's right now. Hale's is a diner Gabe, Jen and I used to visit regularly. Looking through the big glass windows I can see both of my beloved friends waiting for me with their bags ready to go. This is it, all I gotta do is actually walk in and approach them. But now the questions are running through my mind. Will they be mad at me for not telling them about Tay sooner? Will they refuse to meet him? Will they like him once they do? I know I told Tay that what my friends think about him won't change what I'm feeling, and it won't. I swear it won't, but I'd still love it if they all like each other. They are literally my family, this is like Tay meeting my family, Jesus girl you need to stop. With that being the last thought I let myself have, I entered the diner. Immediately after the bell above the door rang, Jen was up from her seat and throwing herself at me. Not that I'm complaining, I missed her so much.

'Oh God, how I have missed you Jen' I tell her using the small amount of  air I managed to get with her squeezing me.

'I missed you more Maddie, I can't wait to spend the weekend with you, I've been-'

'Khm' unfortunately we were interrupted by Gabe reminding us of his presence, 'You'll have the whole weekend to annoy us with your stories Jen, but right now I just want to hug our best friend' it wasn't long after that that I felt two strong arms hugging me tightly, I melted in his arms, listening to his heartbeat that was strangely fast, 'I missed you Maddie' Gabe said into my hair

'I missed you too G!' in this moment I knew that Tess has to be delusional to think that Gabe has any feelings for me, he could never see me in any way more than a friend, just like I could never see him as my boyfriend. Thinking about boyfriends, I remembered that they still don't know that I have one. 'okay guys, we have to sit down, I have a lot of stuff I want to tell you'


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2020 ⏰

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