chapter 7

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This morning I was woken up by the sunlight. It was barely past 5am, too early to get up, but I had nothing else to do since there's no way I can go back to sleep. I get up and make my way to the kitchen, I was quite enjoying the feeling of having time for myself. I made myself a cup of coffee and headed to the balcony. I was still in my pjs but I was never the type to care. I was enjoying the fresh air of the dawn but then my eyes focused on all the people i can see. It's so early but the street is already packed, people going right and left. People in fancy dresses and suits with briefcases, people that are probably going through a hangover, people in their gym clothes, so many different types of people but yet all of them in some kind of a hurry. I just find it sad, I hope that the women in the fancy dress got to kiss her kids goodnight last night, I hope that the man in the suit didn't forget to kiss his wife this morning, that that girl had fun and that's why she's hangover and that that girl in her gym clothes goes to gym because she wants to, not because she has to. I was shaken out of my thoughts when I heard Tessa calling me.

"Maddie, you up?"

"Yeah, want some coffee Tess?"

"Yes please."

I was pouring the coffee into Tessa's mug and thought about how I have some extra time so I might as well try to look nice today, you know, no particular reason, I don't know what boy next door you're talking about. So instantly I reached for my phone to ask Jen for advice. I knew she's up because no matter how many times she says it, she does not wake up like that.

me: hey Jen, need fashion advice ASAP!

Jen <3: oooh, made up with the boy already? ;)

me: actually yeah, we had such a nice talk yesterday.

Jen <3: you want me to believe that you only talked??

me: well, it's the truth.

Jen <3: put on those black mom yeans with that burgundy off shoulder shirt and it won't be the truth anymore ;))

me: you're unbelievable!

Jen <3: you know you love me <3

me: I do xx

I entered my room, took my clothes and went to the bathroom, I took a shower and did my makeup, decided to try blush and actually liked how it looked. I slept with my French braids so my hair was curly today. I took my usual things and entered the kitchen, since I was awake for almost two hours I could eat something, I settled with cereal. For my surprise Tessa was awake and drinking her coffee.

"What are you doing up so early?"

"I picked a morning shift at work before my classes."

"But it's the morning, you never work in the morning, I didn't know you were even capable to breath in the morning, no offense."

"Non taken. Well it may or may not have something to do with the fact that Robby has a morning shift and we'll be alone for at least a couple of hours before Chris comes." Chris is one of our coworkers, he's actually a junior and we have a few classes together, he's been talking with me and Thea at school this week and he seems nice.

"Wow Tess, you're really falling for this guy, hard."

She said something under her breath but I think it was something like 'I already fell'.

"Okay, have fun at work, I'm gonna go to school now." I said to her and kissed her head that was resting on the kitchen counter. "Don't fall asleep, Robby's waiting." and with that I exited the apartment.

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