chapter 10

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I woke up to a smell of pancakes, it's not necessary to say that it put me in a good mood immediately. It took me a little while to figure out that I'm not in my room and it made sense because I knew that Tessa couldn't cook for her life. I went to the bathroom and felt butterflies in my stomach when I saw myself in the mirror. I was wearing Tay's shirt. No, scratch that, I was wearing my boyfriend's shirt. I smiled on the thought of the word boyfriend. I brushed my teeth and noticed my hair. It was wavy-curly. I totally forgot about about it when I washed my hair yesterday. I always curl or straighten my hair because I'm really insecure about it. If I let it be natural, it's usually in a bun or braids. When it's air-dried it doesn't have much definition. Actually it has too much definition. Jen says that it's curly but my curls are uneven. There are some big ones, some very curled ones, some loose ones. Of course he would see it someday but not a day after we started dating. I'm quite tempted to stay in this bathroom the whole day, but I won't. I'm hungry, those pancakes smell amazing and if Tay says something bad about my hair I will.. I don't know, throw something at him or something. I pick up all the courage I have and walk out of my room, following the smell. When I entered the kitchen I saw Tay flipping some pancakes, but I couldn't even think about the pancakes anymore. He was shirtless. I stopped walking and just stared at him for a while, I guess I should get used to this. The thought of seeing him making me breakfast every morning, preferably shirtless made me smile.

"Didn't know you cook" was the first thing that came to my mind. He turned around to face me and already had a smile on his face. When his smile disappeared I immediately thought about my hair and my hands went to touch it, when I moved my arm up, the shirt I had on showed a little bit of my panties and that's when I saw that Tay isn't looking at my hair, he's looking at my legs. I didn't know to feel giggly and happy or insecure. "I'm sorry, I can't really sleep in pants" I said with probably my cheeks looking like a tomato. I heard Tay clear his throat.

"It's okay, you don't have to be uncomfortable around me. Here, I made you some pancakes." I walked to the kitchen and sat on the chair next to the counter. The memories of the counter last night flashed through my head and I couldn't hold a giggle. Tay put a plate full of pancakes in front of me.

"I'm not." I said looking at him, he sat on the chair next to mine and started his breakfast. And it was the truth, for some unknown reason, I felt fully comfortable around him, like I knew him my whole life.

"Good. Good morning princess." He said with a smile. I remembered how those lips tasted yesterday and I wanted to kiss him again, but I didn't want to do it first.

"Morning handsome." Handsome? Really?

"Oh so you think I'm handsome?"

"I think you're alright" I said teasing him, I love our small conversations.

"Well I think you're beautiful." I smiled at him and started eating my breakfast, I finished eating and noticed that he's quiet. I looked at him and saw that he's thinking about something.

"Is everything okay?" I asked hoping that it is because this day started right, oh so right. He smiled at me and that gave me a little comfort but then he took my hand and dragged us to the couch.

"I need to talk to you." was the only thing he said and that's never good, right? He turned in his seat so he would face me. "I'm sorry Madison, I have maybe pushed things too far yesterday with the relationship talk. I didn't even asked you if that was what you want, I just kind off assumed since.." He stopped and scratched the back of his neck while looking out of the window. I took his hand in mine and it made him look at me.

"It's okay Tay, I want this, I really do." I said noticing that I maybe sound too desperate but it was how I feel and he told me to always tell him how I feel.

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