Chapter four -The Dreams-

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Castenea gave Kei and I were sent off to collect what we need for our journey. I haven't been informed on what it is yet, but Kei seems to be shiftier than usual. 

Meles, the weapons shop owner, stands in the sunlight, and the light casscades off of the silver hair running down the front of her robe.

"How can I help you today?" Meles stops and looks us over with a serious look. "You're the two the Queen told me to look for, aren't you? Sangomiro and Keisukei, yes?"

Kei nods his head and grins. "We're here to purchase some combat utensils. I heard you were the gal for that."

His words and his charming demeanor make her blush like a child. He has the ability to make any girl melt and he didn't even know it. He was too kind to notice.

Meles smiles and takes us both by the hand. She leads us downstairs into her shop. Her orange robes glide down the steps behind her. "This is where I make all my weapons. Today I'm going to be making two specialty weapons for you two." Meles looks me in the eyes, "Sangomiro, if I'm to understand correctly, you like ranged weapons, right?"

"Yes, I do."

"I'm going to craft you a one of a kind Shuriken. It will never break and it's extremely durable. You'll probably only have to bring it back for repairs once or twice in its entire lifetime."

She looks to Kei and studies him for a moment. "You look like a staff guy."

Kei raises an eyebrow in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"You're a mage, correct?"

"Yeah, but I also like to use a sword."

Meles smiles again. "I've got the perfect thing."

She waves her hand over the anvil in front of her and a blue flaming sword materializes in midair.

"This is the Alpha Sword." She reaches up and grabs the sword at the base. "It's made of Saphires and it has a demonic presence. It's extremely powerful, but it's not just a sword." Mel Nods her head and the sword extends into a staff with three spires made of crystals, and two wings protruding from it. "It's also a pretty nifty staff."

Kei reaches for the sword and holds it in his hands.

"Great," Meles blushes like a little girl at Keisukei's grin. "Keisukei you can take yours, but Sango, I'll have to send yours over with Maike later if thats alright."

I nod, and the short little elven girl hugs us both goodbye.

By the time we got out of the shop,  it had started raining. Kei and I stood under the porch of the clothing shop, run by Lepus.

There were some kind of animal feet hanging on the back of the store wall.

"Hey Kei, what are those?"

Kei smiles and kicks up some rocks. "Those are rabbit's feet, they bring good luck."

"How much are they?"

"Why? Are you interested?"

"Yeah, they're kind of cool looking."

Kei gets up and goes inside for a moment. When he returns, he has a rabbit's foot in his hand and a huge smile on his face.

"Here you go." He smiles and sits back down next to me. His hair falls in his face making him look a bit like a little boy, rather than an adult. "Do you want me to put it on you?"

I nod and he slips the chain around my neck, tying it in the back with the metal tie that came with it.

"There. It looks great."

Once the rain lets up, we make our way back to Castenea's house. Kei starts to get that nervous look on his face again, like theres something to say but he cant say it.

"What's up with you?" Kei's hand wanders over the handle of his sword every now and then when he hears a noise, and his eyes are all shifty and nervous.

"Nothing. I'm just on guard."

"I've seen you at war before, and you were never this nervous. What is going on?"

He stops and clenches his fists. "Last night at the meeting, Castenea called. Something odd happened." He looks at me once and continues walking slowly. "I got this really bad headache and then I just blacked out, but I had this dream. There was a voice and it kept telling me to find the Gold Dragon Conductor."

"The Gold Dragon Conductor?" 

"The Gold Dragon Conductor. It said that I have to save her, or Errin will become complete darkness. I asked where I could find her and suddenly I was in Renes. Then, across the beach, you were walking towards me." Kei scratched his head and started to blush, "But you put your hand on my face and your eyes turned this bright gold color. Then everything melted away."

"Kei, I have to ask you something." I stop him again. The water in the pond in the center of town sparkles with the sunlight, throwing a shine into his eyes. "Did that voice say anything about The Lightning Mage?"

His eyes popped open and he takes me by the shoulders abruptly. "How do you know that?!"

"I had the same dream."

His hands fall off of my shoulders and he stares me right in the eyes.

"Did it tell you what else was supposed to happen?"

I shake my head.

"It said only one of the warriors can live."

"Only one?" I ask.

"Something about the sacrifice of a soul or something, I'm not really sure."

"That's something I would want to be sure about, Kei." I look at him with every bit of frustration in my eyes.

"I was really kind of focused on the fact that one of us is going to end up dying, Sango. I wasn't worried about why." Kei grunts and pulls me up off the ground by my arm. "Come on. Lets go see Castenea."

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