Chapter eighteen -The Past Is In The Past... Right?-

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Cries of torture rang all through out the city, the city of Sionnaigh. Mother Bell Foxes race to take their children to safety, and others fight the oncoming force of Cessair in Ivory cloaks. They were after the Dóiteáin Cloch.One fox in particular was named Helena. She had three sons, one had sky blue hair and was always smiling. The other had flowing blonde hair, and he was always jealous of the other brother who was always smiling. The middle brother had shining white hair and kept quiet. All three boys had the same father, who was an elf. Their mother had the power to transform into human form, hence how the boys were born half elf, half fox.

On the particular day the Cessair had attacked, Helena took her three cubs out to the woods into safety. She made them promise not to come looking for her, even if they thought she was dead.

The blue haired fox, he listened, but his oldest brother did not. He begged his brother to come back and do as their mother had asked but they blonde refused. After an hour and neither his mother nor his brother returned, he went back to the city. He found that there were bodies lying in the streets, and near the temple in the center of the city, his mother had been hurt. She was gasping for air. She took one look at the blue haired boy and smilied, but never got the chance to say anything. The young fox searched all day, and all night, but never found his brother.

He and the middle brother eventually ran away to Fillia, the land of the Elves in search of their father. But they never found him. After leaving Connus the two brothers left as stowaways on a ship to Port Cobh, eventually coming across the Kingdom of Aliech. The middle brother met a girl and left, promising to come back for his little brother one day. But he never came back. Some of the Knights from Rath Royal castle found the youngest brother. They raised him, and were amazed by how he could use his powers to transform into a human. They raised him to be a knight, but not just any Knight. The boy excelled and was thirsty for knowledge about magic, and soon enough he also became a skilled swordsman. He fought in many battles alongside the Knights of Aliech, and when he was of age he joined in their ranks.

One day he got a request from the King, to go find his missing daughter. So the Knight went and found her. He had heard she was pretty but he didn't expect to find a girl like this. She had a small frame and a slender body, with blonde hair that was pulled back into a ponytail that cascaded down her shoulders. And her eyes were the deepest shade of blue, and the way she batted her eyelashes was enough to make anyone smile.

The Princess and the Knight grew to be best friends. Fighting many battles together, and this is the final battle for one of them.


Kei rides with a nervous expression on his face, as if something is making him uncomfortable.

"Are you alright?" I ask him.

All he does is nodd his head and pretend not to be bothered by my dumb question.

"No you're not. Kei what is it?"

He sighs and slumps over a little bit more "Its the Ivory City."

"What about it?"

"The Cessair there are different. Like a special breed or something. They wear white robes instead of red and their magic and their weaponry skills are devestating."

I quirk an eyebrow at him "Have you been there?"

He gulps and I feel his midsection tense up, as if he's about to cry "When I was a kid," He stops to hold in a tear, or maybe a sob "they attacked the city I lived in. They killed everyone. Including my mother and my older brother." He smiles a little, but not the usual smile that makes you feel warm and happy inside, its the kind of smile that gives you nightmares "But don't you worry about me. Because I'm going to get up there and every Cessair there is going to remember my name for the rest of their life." He scoffs "If they're lucky enought to survive."

"Kei," I choke "you-you're scaring me."

His ears point downwards and his facial expressions get softer "I-I'm sorry Sango, I just-

I tighten my grip around his waist and lay my head down on his back "It's okay. I just don't want you going all dark side on me is all."

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