Chapter Eight -The Dragons Message-

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Trenslor runs circles around Tupai around the bonfire. She runs around and he scurries after her.

"Tupai you leave that little girl alone!" Kousai would yell. But the little wolf boy would ignore him.

"Hey Sango," Kei whispers under everyone else's talking "good job today. I wouldn't have been able to do that on my own."

"Thanks. But I need to ask you about something later."

Kei just nods his head. He knows what it's about.

I watch the fire crackle and pop, and we joke and laugh and break bread together. Everything would be fine if everything was always like this. Eventually Trenslor and Tupai fall asleep next to the fire, and Maike and Castenea go on to bed. Kei carries Trenslor back to the wagon and bundles her up in her blanket.

"Now what did you want to talk to me about?" Kei and I stand behind the wagon, standing close so no one can hear us.

"You know exactly what. The bolt magic. Where did you even pick that up?"

"I told you it was an accident." Kei looks slightly alarmed at my disbelief. "Sango are you saying you don't believe me?"

"Kei that's not what I meant."

"You sure don't sound like you believe me Sango." Now the look of surprise turns into a look of sadness.

"That type of elemental is something a dark wizard would use. That's all I'm saying"

"Sango it hurts to know that you don't trust me. I've been serving by your side for a long time now. You've trusted me with everything and I with you. And when I need you to trust me the most, you skip out on me." Kei blows a puff of air "That's not what friends do."

"I'm sorry. Accidentally running into an undiscovered bolt elemental seems so out of context. But you're right," I reach out a push a strand of his blue hair out of his face "you are my best friend. So I trust you."

"Thanks." He pushes aside the curtain and holds a hand out to help me in the cart.
He sits down and puts Trenslor back in his lap and closes his eyes to go to sleep.

I feel guilty for not believing Kei. He's my best friend and has saved my life on countless occasions. Maybe the bolt magic is part of being the Lightning Mage. But what powers does that give me? Do I get to breathe fire and grow crazy long talons?

I look over at Trenslor. Her breathing is slow and deep, and her face is cold leaving the tip of her nose a pale red. Kei sits down next to her and takes off the hard metal exterior to his armor.

A pale blue light suddenly starts flickering at the outside of the wagon. It started out small, catching our attention. Then it got bigger and bigger.

"Sango I'm gonna go check this out, you stay with Trenslor." Kei gets up and slings his metal armor back on under his coat, and he snaps his sword to the side of his belt.

I place Trenslor on the ground and grab my Shuriken "Not a chance."

Kei rolls his eyes and motions for me to follow him out of the wagon. He jumps out and wraps an arm around my waist to help me down as well. We both proceed until the mysterious blue light becomes apparent as a decently sized fire. It wasn't burning anything. It was just ... there.

"Come Closer "

Our heads snap toward each other because we both recognize the voice from the dream

Come closer and recieve your destiny

We both come closer to the fire, I can feel it's heat, but still nothing is burning.

"You both were chosen for a reason. The prophecy says only one can live. But it does not specify that one MUST live. The goal of the Lightnting Mage is to serve and support the Gold Dragon Conductor. The goal of the Conductor is show love, and loyalty, to the Lightning Mage. But with these things you must protect one another. Without the help of the other neither will survive to defeat the Cessair."

"I knew it was them" Kei mutters under his breath. "I have a question"

"Ask as you wish."

"Why can only one of us live?"

" The sacrifice of a militians soul is what it takes to restore peace on Errin. That soul is what will become the driving force in the battle for good. And the soul that gets sacrificed will be the soul of the heart that gives itself completely to its companion."

" That is how the savior is chosen."

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