Chapter twenty -Delay In Plans-

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"What do you mean we can't move on to the Ivory City?" Dowra slams her fist down on the table "If we don't go to the Ivory City the Cessair will revive Macha and everyone will die. No exceptions."

"She's right." Kei clasps his hands in front of his face and rests his chin on his fists. "Kousai, what exactly is stopping us from going to the Ivory City?"

"Dóiteáin Cloch." He says "Its the Fire Stone. And we need it to get into the Ivory City."

"Where can we find it?" I ask him

"Zahr ruins. But they're hard to find. Legend says that they move between the landmarks that are spread out through Vales."

Krug looks over the map in the middle of the table and points to a spot right out side of Vales "I say we start at the fruited tree mark by Reus River. It's closest to Vales and we can work our way out from there."

I fold my hands in my lap "When should we set out?"

Maike looks over some data on a piece of paper "To leave in the daytime would prove most fatal because of the heat we've been facing. So we should leave sometime tonight. About ten maybe to let it cool off enough."

Castenea clears her throat "And It'll give the Guard time to relax and recooperate."

Maike looks at her "Of course my Queen. I'll give the orders that we'll be leaving tonight."

Castenea nods and dissmisses us.

I walk the hallway, leaving Kei back in the conference room. I find my way back into the court yard and I sit down at one of the tables. They're covered in blossom petals, and more petals fall from the trees as their branches sway in the wind.

Bella comes and sits next to me, propping her feet up on the table. She notices me looking down at my lap, fiddling with my clothes and she sighs.

"Whats wrong with you?" She says.

"Nothing." I say quietly but still loud enough for her to hear.

"You're lying."

"It's nothing. Really."

Bella frowns at me, letting her feet fall from the table she puts a hand on my shoulder "Sango, I know we've only just met but I still want you to know that you can tell me anything."

"I know."

Her frown gets a little deeper "Sango, is this about Fox Boy?"

I feel my cheeks get hot and I slam my fist on the table out of frustration "There is more to my life than just him okay!? He is not my number one concern like everyone seems to think he is! All I want is to get this whole Ivory City, Cessair, stupid dragon crap under control and never have to worry about it again. I'm going to die Bella and it seems like everyone is more concerned with the fact that I have a friend who is a boy! He is not my boyfriend, nor will he ever be! I have more important things to have my mind on than a stupid boy!"

Just as I'm done with my rampage I notice Bella staring behind me. I turn my head to see Kei standing there. He's upset.

No. He's mad.

"You know what Sango. If all I am to you is some 'stupid boy' then maybe you should quit acting like you're my friend."

"Kei you know-

"I don't want to hear it."

Before I start crying I run to my suite and lock the door behind me. I lean on my hands in front of the vanity and let the tears go, looking up in the mirror every once in a while.

You think you're pretty like this? You're pathetic Sango. So Pathetic. You had one friend and you had to go and ruin it by being annoying, and constantly wanting to be around him, and acting like you're so tough and like you don't need anyone else. Well now you dont have anyone else. Because the one person who had enough patience to deal with you is mad at you, because you're frustrated and afraid. Because you're going to die, and he's going to forget about you.

My thoughts are interrupted by a soft knock at the door.

"Sango," Kei calls out from the other side of the door."I know you're in there. I didn't mean to snap like I did. If anything I should have understood your frustration." He pauses and when I don't say anything I hear him slump against the door and let his back slide down the wood. "It's probably really annoying to have people ask you over and over again about the love life you obviously don't want. You aren't focused on things like that. You're focused on your future, and you're focused on your kingdom. You don't have very much time to have friends now that you're Queen, but I'll be happy just to get a second of your time."

"I'll be dead before I can become Queen."

He bumps his head against the door "Lets just pretend for a minute okay?"

It's hard to find my voice but I manage to croak an 'okay'.

"You'll be the best Queen. And you'll be the people's favorite. And I'll get to accompany you to all your events and we'll get to spend a lot of time just hanging out together. Just like you wanted. No one will force you to get married and no one will force themselves on you or I'll beat them up and throw them out of the castle." He stops for a second "We can be best friends for our whole lives, ok?"

I open the door and let my head hang to see Keisukei's face. "I have to detach myself. I'm a grenade."

"A grenade?" He says as he stands up.

"A grenade. The pin has already been pulled and there's only a certain amount of time before I blow up and hurt everyone around me."

"Being your friend is worth it."


The wagon is filled up with blankets now that we're going to Physis. Kei sits on his side and I sit on mine. I'm careful not to look at him too much. I don't want to talk to him. The more I pull away the less all this is going to hurt.

Its nice to have someone who cares about you, and that will protect you unconditionally. But sometimes its easy to feel like you're nothing but a nuesance to that person. Like just your existance is enough to tick them off, like just the sound of your voice is enough to annoy them. I feel like every time I ask him for help, or every time I go to him for comfort I'm just pushing him away. Because I overdo my welcome. I use up more resources than I can make up for.

"So are you just gonna keep looking at me or are you gonna say something?" Kei asks just as he catches me looking at him.

"I don't know what to say." I mutter.

"Thats fine. You don't have to talk if you don't want to."

I take a second before picking up a blanket and going to sit next to him. Only sitting is too much work right now so I lay my head in his lap and blow the pieces of my bangs out of my face.

He chuckles "Supporting your own head was just too much for you today huh?"

I can't help but smile back "Yeah its a chore pretty much all the time."

"I can't say you're wrong." He lays down himself and I reposition my head to his stomach.

"Well a good Queen is never wrong."

We both laugh and share the silence afterwards.

The Lightning MageOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora