Chapter fifteen -Transformation Specialist At Your Service-

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"First things first, I need to see your hands."

"Why?" I ask slowly pushing my hand out to Shamala

"Because I'm going to mark you with a dream catcher so you can transform any time you want." She takes my hand and uses a magic skill to trace the weaving pattern of a dream catcher into the palm of my hand. "Now all you have to do is imagine an animal and will yourself to become that animal." She growls a little "But you have to have been in contact with that animal at least once in your life."

A cat. A cat seems easy enough?

I close my eyes and imagine myself being a cat. I imagine the way the fur would feel and the way that the whiskers would look. The mark on the inside of my palm begins to burn and I feel my body transforming. It doesn't hurt. It just feels ridiculous.

I open my eyes and Kei stands a few feet above me. I try to say something but all that comes out is a meow.

Shamala picks me up and scratches behind my ears "You're a lot more enjoyable when you can't talk."

I immediately hiss and bite her hand, causing her to drop me.

I transform back into a human "That was rude."

Kei has a look on his face that basically says oh crap.

"I was joking Princess. If you're so offended why dont you go back to your throne room and have some of your serfs paint your nails and feed you grapes all day?" Shamala brushes her nails on her shoulder

"Don't get smug with me-

"Don't get rude with me either. I know you don't like me. You think I didn't hear you yelling at Fox boy over there for spending time with me?" shes tisks her teeth at me, but at the same time she licks her lips and stares Kei down "So insecure you can't even trust him with another girl for a few minutes? What a shame." She smiles again, she sees my face burn bright red "I don't care if you like me or not Princess but I don't respect you like the others do. You've done nothing to deserve your throne-

I feel myself lose it. I don't remember deciding to do it but before I know whats happening I'm unsheathing my dagger and pinning Shamala down. She transforms into a black leopard, licking her chops and pushing me off of her. I think really hard, willing myself to become a snow leopard. Like the ones you find in Physis.

We circle each other until suddenly she pounces me, snapping at my throat and clawing my face.

I push her off of me with my hind legs and I throw my body up at her. We both stand arms wrapped around torsos, trying to get a good snap in at the other.

Shamala transforms back into a human, equiping two hatchets. So I transform too, and I pick my dagger up out of the sand. She takes a swing at me, but i move out of the way. The swing was so close I could feel the wind off of the Bipennis blade.

"Enough girls!" Kei shouts but we ignore him, still swinging at each other.

"I said enough!"

His sword is drawn and a hand around my arm pulls me out of the fight. He stands, sword still drawn pointing at both of us. We stand there, breathing heavy. I feel something warm trickle down my face, so I lift my hand up and touch it, only to see that its blood. Pouring from three thick gashes on my cheek.

"Shamala you had no right to say that to the Princess. Absolutely none. But," He turns to look at me now, giving me a look, to let me know he's disapointed in me "that was no reason for an all out brawl to break loose. Both of you should be ashamed of yourselves."

Kousai comes hobbling in on his cane "I see these two finally duked it out."

"Yeah. It wasnt pretty." Kei puts his sword back in its sheath staring at me in disapproval.

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