Chapter fourteen -Zardine Beach-

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"Rise and shine!" Trenslor throws open the curtains to the wagon and smiles wide "We're here!"

Kei yawns from the other side of me and wipes sleep from his eyes "Trenslor unless you shoved us in a boat while we were asleep, we are not in Renes yet."

The little girl plops down merrily next to Keisukei, never letting the wide smile leave her face "Well we're almost there. It isn't far! It's just right across the beach. We were going to wake you up but since Castenea and I were the only ones up this morning we decided to let everyone else sleep."

"Then why did you just wake us up?" I smile sleepily

"Oh. Because the grumpy man Maike woke up and told me to go get you two up and moving. So mommy, that means you need to get up and change into your armor."

"Got it Trenslor." I look her over and her outfit looks thrown together, as if she got dressed in the dark. "Trenslor, who dressed you this morning?"

"Well Castenea and I stayed in our bed clothes and drank hot tea until the grumpy man came out. He made me put this on." She looks herself over, knowing good and well how she looks "He obviously doesn't have very much taste in fashion."

Kei digs into the trunk next to him and tosses her a sweater and a skirt. "Here, this'll keep you warm, and you won't look like you rolled around in a vat of paint."

"Thank you daddy!"She throws her arms around his neck, still smiling "Pick something out pretty for mommy too, okay?"

Kei nods and Trenslor goes to change her clothes

"I can pick out my own clothes." I slightly smile and dig my leather armor out of my trunk "Can you step out for a bit?"

"Yeah, sure." He steps out and is immediately shooed back in by Maike

"We're still clearing the area, don't leave the wagon!"

"She's changing!"

"Just close your eyes!"

Kei steps back into the wagon, blushing with his little blue ears pointed down "Um Sango-

"Just turn around and close your eyes."

"It's weird."

"How is it weird? It's not like there's some magical thing that happens while girls are changing clothes. Just turn around and close your eyes."

He shrugs and puffs at me "Fine." He turns aound and places his hands over his eyes "Go for it."

I lift the sweater over my head and toss it over to the side, then I toss my loose pants over too, leaving me with nothing but undergarments.

I slip the dress portion of my armor over my head and pull the thermal shorts on underneath it. After that I pull on my thick long socks that make up for the shortness of the dress. The only thing left is the leather mail.

I fasten it to the neck clasp and wrap it around my torso.

"Can you lace me up Kei?"

"Are you fully covered and dressed?" He turns around with his hands still covering his eyes

"No I'm completely naked and I'm asking you to lace up my back skin because I'm actually a skeleton."

"Be quiet."

He laughs and uncovers his eyes.

I turn around and let him lace up the mail, still laughing at him.

When he's done tying up the mail he tickles my sides making me cringe backwards "You're not funny!" He laughs and continues to tickle me.

"Stop!" I laugh and he stops and lets me go.

"Next time I wont show so much mercy." He smiles and picks up my clothes, putting them neatly back into the trunk. He looks me over once more and places a finger on his chin "I thought that thing was pink?"

"Um yeah. The Queen gave me this white and gold one though, I like it better. It's more professional and elegant."

"That thing is literally lined with gold at the bottom." He laughs and points at my hair "Your hair is still a hot mess though."

"Oh hush."

"Sit down and I'll braid it for you."

I fall to my knees and Kei takes a small section of hair from the frame of my face and starts to braid it. Tugging gently to tighten the weave of the braid. He finishes there and does the same to the other side

"Hey Sango, do you have some twine?"

I remove the piece of twine from around my wrist and hand it back to him. He sticks it between his teeth just before fastening it, to connect the two braids together.

"There. You look less like a hobo." He laughs and helps me up

"Hush before I pull your ears."

The he wiggles the fox ears on top of his head "If you can catch me."

Maike pulls the curtain open again "It's clear." Maike does a gesture with his face that I think is smiling, but I'll never know with him "So Keisukei your eyes didn't burn out of their sockets after all. Told you you'd be okay if you'd just close your eyes."

"That is not funny."

"Get out of the wagon."

Kei jumps down and then swings me out of the cab.

"Good morning Sleeping Beauty's." Castenea smiles, she's incredibly happy this morning. She's strayed away from her usual quiet self.

"Good morning your Highness." I smile and courtse

Castenea blushes and giggles "Oh Sango. You don't have to call me that, or courtse in front of me. We're all friends here!"

Maike leans against the cabin, smiling somewhat. Looking at Castenea with admiration.

I see what happened here. I think they finally admitted to liking each other. It was about time.

"So what's the plan for today" I say her name slowly, it felt weird coming out of my mouth "Castenea."

"We're going to Renes. But before we do Shamala is going to take you and Kei aside," The mention of that flea bag makes my blood boil "And teach you some transformations. Okay?"

"Got it." I say through clenches teeth. I grab Kei by the hand and drag him behind me "Lets go see the human litter box."

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