Chapter eleven -Good Morning-

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The loud obnoxious noise from the hallway struck my ears and woke me from a late morning. Sunlight shown through the windows and made the room seem light and airy.

Another bang made me cringe, and also made me wonder what Kei was up to in the other room.

I stand up and throw a silk robe over my nightgown, I let my hair down and brush it in the mirror. Another loud crash comes from the kitchen just as I approach it.

Kei has an apron tied around his neck and his waist, and flour smeared on his left cheek and all over his Gamyu. Trenslor sits up on the counter with pots on her head.

Kei throws a slab of dough in the air, but he sees me and drops it.

"Goodmorning Princess." He smiles and shoves hair out of his face "I'm just making some breakfast. Bu-but don't worry about the dough I just dropped. I have another slab!"

I laugh and grab a towel off of the rack, dampening it in the drip tap. I go to Keisukei and start to dab some of the flour off of his cheek, he looks disapointed.

"In all honesty I have no idea how to cook."

"I can tell," I laugh and start to wipe off his arms and hands. "don't worry, I do know how to cook and I'll make breakfast."

"Thank you mommy!" Trenslor laughs and brushes some of the adepose flour off of her dress "Daddy was getting crazy."

"I was not." Kei smirks and pokes her in the side.

"What do you two think about cinnamon rolls?"

"Aren't those the things you used to make with the icing and the cinnamon sugar inside, and the glaze on the outside?" Kei's eyes widen and he smiles bigger than I've seen him smile this whole trip.

I put a hand on my hip and lean on the countertop "They sure are."

"In that case they sound delicious and I vote we have them more often!" the biggest smile runs from ear to ear across his face.

"Yeah yeah. Bring me that extra dough." I start to clear the counter top for Kei to bring me the dough.

Kei plops the dough down and hands me the rolling pin. He and Trenslor perch themselves on the other side of the counter as I roll the dough out into an inch thick rectangle. I mix three parts sugar with one part of cinnamon and make the cinnamon sugar, then I mix a portion of powdered sugar with a splash of milk and make the icing glaze. I pour the glaze into the center of the dough and sprinkle the cinnamon sugar into it.

Kei puts it in the oven for me and lights the flame.

"That smells good already." Kei eyeballs the oven and watches the bread.

"It hasn't even started cooking yet."

"So. It still smells good." Kei gives me a side stare.

"anyways, what's on the agenda for today?" I smile after propping Trenslor up on my hip

"Well Krug requested to spend the day with Trenslor so I guess you and I could go hunting."

"Sounds good to me." I smile and put Trenslor back on the counter, and start twisting her hair into a braid. "After breakfast I can get her all dressed and take her over to Krug. Then you and I can prepare to go out to the snow banks and see if we can't find a wolf or a bear."

He nods his head and hops off the counter "how long is this bread supposed to cook, I'm starving."

"go ahead and take it out."

He takes the bread out of the oven and slices it into sections, giving Trenslor a slice then sliding a piece over to me.

the morning went by slow and steady. It seemed like we couldn't get out to the snow banks fast enough. Before we left I put on some white deer skin pants and a white leather jacket with some kind of fur around the hood and collar. My moccasins were white as well. Kei wore his white Gamyu armor and we set off flying for the snow banks after dropping Trenslor off with Krug.

"You ready to finally get that one shot kill on a bear?" Kei laughs a little as we soar through the sky. "So you wanna hit down by the metallurgy site?"

I nod and he propels us faster, pushing the hair that's not pulled back into my face. His blue waves dance and skip across the air behind him.

"This is boring, let's make it a little more interesting." Kei smiles that smile again. The one that lets you know he's about to do something really dumb.

He propels faster but instead of just flying he pulls me onto his back and starts barrel rolling as fast as he can. The turbulence makes it hard to hold on to him but the look on his face reminded me so much of a child's on Christmas morning, so I didn't ask him to stop.

He slows down to his original speed and let's me go "Look, there's the Metallurgy site at the beach."

"Why is there even a beach in Physis? It's freezing year round."

"Even giants like a little sight seeing there Sango." Kei never let's the smile leave his face.

he lands us near the mountains next to the Metallurgy site, the snow banks are home to a few bears here. The back of one becomes apparent  over a dune about fifty feet away. I draw an arrow and prepare to fire. I aim and shoot and hit whatever it is in one shot.

"Got it Kei." I rub it in his face that I can hit a bear in one shot.

"You got lucky." his eyes wander to a brown specimen over the bank. "I'm going to hit that one."

he draws an arrow and aims. But I realize it's not a bear.

I push Kei's bow down and he almost says something but he realizes too that it's a horse, not a bear.

the horse draws closer and when it's in ear shot I whistle and it comes running towards me, stopping right in front of me.

Kei checks her out and runs his hands over her saddle. "Nana." he says "the Saddle says her name is Nana."

Nana. Like the horse from my dream Nana?

"Check her saddle bag." I tell Kei.

he reaches his hand in and pulls out an empty ring setting.

"This is all I found." he tosses me the setting

I shove it in my pocket "Let's head back to Vales."


"I had a dream about this horse, and I think she's important."

Kei hops on, and pulls me up with him and we head back to Vales.

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