Chapter twenty one -Make or Break Moments-

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The caravan suddenly stops. I lift my head off of Kei and not a second after his head pops up next to mine.

"We aren't in Vales yet, what's going on?"

Keisukei's question was answered with an arrow piercing through the canvas of the wagon. He pushes me down and covers me as he ducks.

"Princess you stay here." He gathers his sword and slings his metal breast plate on over his clothes.

I grav my Shuriken off the floor and sling on my armor as well "As if."

He rolls his eyes and we both jump out of the back of the wagon. We were greeted by two Cessair wearing white robes. Kei slung his sword into the midsection of one and the other took a grab at me. Which was a big mistake because the second he did he got a face full of the bottom of my boots and a stomach full of my Kunai.

Another jumped off the roof of the wagon as an attempt to catch us off guard but Keisukei pulled me out of the way and took care of him.

   We made our way around to the front of the caravan and there were more army soldiers on the ground than Cessair. Amongst those who were fighting I spotted a little girl with a bow and arrow.

"Trenslor! No!" Kei's attention diverts away from his fight and towards the little girl, giving the Cessair the perfect opportunity to strike him. And they did.

"Run and save her Sango, I'll be fine!" He shouts as he falls and clutches his side.

I do as he says. I run to her and she begins to run to me but as she does a gunshot rings out. Before I can register what's happening Trenslor slumps over to the ground and a pool of blood begins to collect around her mouth.

Behind her stands a woman in a white body suit with a long blonde braid in her hair. She smiles as if she's extremely happy with what she's done.
   The breath in my body is almost gone when Keisukei drags himself next to me. His eyes are red and his clothes are covered in blood and he looks like he's going to cry any second. Suddenly the Cessair disappeared. The woman in white was the last one to go, she dissolved slower than the rest.

"So touching to see such emotion shown from the two of you." A deep voice approaches from behind and I quickly swivel to my feet, Shuriken ready in hand.

"Who are you!? What have you done!?" I scream through the veil of tears.

"Tsuna..." Keisukei says, slumped over and likely becoming very weak.

"Yes little brother it's nice to see you again. Sorry about your little rat-

"Rat!?" I yell "She was our daughter!"

"She was not you idiot. You found her. After I so clearly intended to kill her. She was meant to die Princess that's what people do."

He pushes me back and I fall to the ground next to Kei. He looks horrible.

"You two on the other hand were not meant to die. Not yet anyways." He tosses me a shining silver ring with a red stone set in the center. "It's the item you've been looking for. I'll see the two of you in the Ivory City. I won't show mercy then." He evaporates into thin air and the second he does I turn to Keisukei.

"Kei show me where the wound is."

"Go to Trenslor-

"She's dead Kei. She's dead and I don't want you dead too please just show me!"

He's gotten lathargic already. He lazily points to the stab would on his midsection.

I place my hand over it and begin to chant the Chant of Souls.

Wounds that bleed and flow, Ewecca gleams and glows. Ladeca shines the light that which you'll heal. Now is not your time to return, the soul stream shall not welcome you this day, return to your home and rest, the goddess of souls will come another day.

The area under my hand begins to glow and Keisukei's eyes come back to life. He coughs and rolls over. I pick his head up and hug him.

"She's gone Kei. She's gone."
He straightens up and pulls me into him.

"It's ok. She doesn't have to live a life of battle any more. She's in a better place Sango. Please stop crying."

"We have to go see who's left." I cry "We have to help them."

I pry myself out of his arms and start running around. The body count gets higher as we get towards the front of the caravan.

I stop in my tracks as I come across a body on the ground. Her maroon robe is covered in blood and her lilac hair is stained red. Castenea lays dead face down in the dirt.

"Looking makes me feel sick too yanno." Sitting on the back of one of the wagons Maike sits with his head in his hands. "I couldn't get to her in time. They all came so quickly. I hardly knew what was happening. And that woman with the blonde hair. She did this. I'll kill her. I'll kill her if I ever see her again." Maike shakes and begins to cry. "Go check for other survivors. I'll join you soon."

I walk past Maike and Castenea and continue the search. In the very first wagon Dowra sits, holding a wounded Bella. Though she says she has it covered. Shamala, Krug, and Kousai are no where to be found.

Keisukei catches up to me and stops me in my tracks.

"Sango. Are you okay?"

I shake my head. I can't say anything to him. I can't say anything to anyone. Our daughter, our friends. They're dead. They're gone. And all in aw few minutes. My stomach suddenly feels as though I've been punched. I kneel over and can't help but vomiting. Keisukei kneels over beside me and holds my hair back, and strokes my back.

"This is gross but come here." He turns my chin to face him and uses the sleeve of his coat to wipe my face."

"Thank you for not dying." I mutter. He stops and sits in silence for a moment.

"Thank you for not letting me die."

He gets up and holds out a hand to help me stand. He walks with me back around to where Trenslor lies. Only we don't find her laying alone. Krug leans over her sobbing and holding her tiny body in his hands. You can see in his eyes how heart broken he is. How lifeless he feels. That little girl was his world the past few weeks. Once he sees us he places Trenslor back where she was and approaches us.

"I want you to leave immediately. Go back to Renes and enter the Ivory City. The entire army is wiped out. We don't have the power to assist you anymore. We will always support you. But the whole world rests on your shoulders now. Suit up in your best armor and go to the Ivory City. Avenge everyone here. I'll take care of the bodies and the living. Just go. Fulfill your destiny."

I nodd and throw myself at Krug. This is the last time I will ever lay eyes on him or anyone else for that matter.

Kei and I do as we were told. We suit up and we pack all the rations we can carry. He looks straight ahead as he helps me up onto Nana. He says nothing.

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