Chapter twenty five -The Final Battle-

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The dark chariot stops and two of the four Cessair open and unchain the door. They pick up Keisukei by the legs and drag him out of the chariot, letting the other two do the grunt work and take him to where Tsuna wanted him. Then I'm tied with my hands behind my back and thrown over someone's shoulder. I look around and we're on a beach.

He held the girl in his arms and cried over her...

This is it. This is where I die.

They take us inside of a well lit cave. Light from the outside reflected off of the amythyst that was growing out of the walls. Up on a slight incline there stood an altar with bones and different markings on it. And above it was a circular rock formation. It looked like it were made of diamonds and gold. It spun in the air and a gold light shined in its center.

Lia Fail...

The two grunts dragging Keisukei dropped him directly in front of the altar. Tsuna wants him to watch me die. Otherwise he would've thrown him into the ocean.

I'm placed gently on the altar and not a second later a hooded figure appears from the shadows.

"Welcome Princess, to the opening of Lia Fail. After tonight you will be named the goddess of the dragons and you will serve me forever in darkness." Tsuna removes the hood from his head and looks directly at his brother and chuckles. "And you brother, will get to watch your precious Princess turn into everything you've tried to protect her from."

Keisukei continues to look down and away from me. He's still being protected by the magic of the Dragon Conductor.

Tsuna draws a dagger from his cloak pocket and approaches Keisukei. He jerks him upwards and drags him over to the Altar.

"Lets make you useful since you refuse to die, shall we?" Keisukei and Tsuna stand over me as Tsuna draws a dagger from his coat. "You will be the sacrifice of a warriors blood." He drags the dagger across Keisukei's wrist and I watch as he winces in pain. His blood drips on my forehead and Claude mumbles something inaudible and in a different language. Then he pushes Keisukei backwards and looks up at Lia Fail. It's glowing brighter than it was before now.

He picks up the Demon blade from off of the ground and hovers it over me "I sacrifice this woman at the altar of Lia Fail, so that she may unlock the wisdom of the gods and serve me forever. So that she may be bound to me for eternity!" Lia Fail begins to shake and burn brighter than it did before. And it explodes around us, engulfing Tsuna and I into a sea of flames and fire.

"She shall be the goddess of the dragons! She shall rule in darkness by my side!" Tsuna swings the demon blade into my side, only I feel no pain. I am wrapped within the confines of Lia Fail. I can feel the fire replacing my blood and I can feel my eyes burning hot. I can feel the dress burning away and being replaced by the armor of the gods. I'm wrapped in gold scales and white cloth and suddenly I feel my heart start to harden.

I can't let it harden. I'll kill Keisukei if I do. I thrash my arms around and start to yell and scream for the hero to rescue me. But I feel it coming. My hands glow gold again and Tsuna is struck with a look of surprise that is quickly replaced by demented laughter.

"You can't deny it! I've struck you with the blade Sangomiro! Your fate is sealed if you reject Lia Fail!"

But I do reject it. I am fated to die on this day anyways. I thrash about and deny the hardening in my heart and the burning light around us begins to fade. I am brought to the ground gracefully as Tsuna drops like an anvil.

"I don't understand..." Tsuna says "She should be dead... she denied Lia Fail she should've died from the wound of the sword, not been turned into..."

I look down to see what he's speaking of. I don't have the white dress on anymore. It's been replaced by a dress of golden scales and a white cloak. My wounds are gone and I seem to have sprouted glowing white wings that look like they're made of diamonds.

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