Chapter seven -Cor-

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Trenslor sits at the end of the table with her head barely peaking over the top. She's seated between Kei and I and next to me is Castenea and Maike. On Kousai's side of the table, he has his warrior, Waboka, and his transformation specialist, Shamala.

"So you're telling me that you two are the ones who are prophesied to save Errin? A ruddy Bell Fox and a dainty little Princess?" Shamala practically growls.

"This ruddy Bell Fox has saved Aliech on countless occasions, so watch your tongue." I practically hiss the words at the cat woman.

"Both of you settle down," the waver in Kousai's voice gives his age away, "It's true Shamala. Sangomiro and Keisukei are the saviors of Errin. Can't you feel the blessing of the gods radiating off of them?"

"I don't feel anything." Shamala shrugs her shoulders.

Kei leans back in his chair and fiddles with a knife, smirking. He is probably laughing at how he already knows Shamala and I aren't going to get along.

"I apologize for her behavior. Hopefully she will be more content with you on your journey." Kousai looks Shamala over. "If not, I'll pretend I don't see you throwing her off the boat."

"The boat?" Trenslor's tiny voice makes us all turn heads.

Kei strokes her head and smiles at her. "It'll be quicker if we go by boat, Trenslor."

"But I'm afriad of boats... daddy, there's monsters under the water.. they-they'll eat us and-"

"She's got a point," Maike speaks up, "If we do go by water, we may be spotted by the enemy, and since we're at sea, there's little we can do to stop an attack. I agree with the girl, lets continue on Caravan. We can stop in Vales and rest and get supplies. Besides, we may need Krug's help with this one. The enemy seems to be coming in strong from what I'm being told about the dreams that the Baron and the Princess are having. As much as I hate to admit it, his guard dog, Dowra, is a skilled warrior and her troops will follow her to hell if that's where she leads them."

"I agree as well," Castenea's soft voice speaks for the second time in the whole conference,  "Krug and Dowra are unstoppable as a fleat. To have them on our team would be a great advantage. I think for this mission we can put our differences aside and join forces without a problem."

"It's settled then, we'll be leaving in the morning towards La Terra Highlands. Get your rest and repair your weapons and Armor if needed."

"Meeting adjourned." Kousai bows and dismisses us from his hut.

Cor's jungle atmosphere is certainly different from that of Aliech. The moisture in the air makes my skin feel sticky and pieces of my hair stick to my head from sweat.

Trenslor comes skipping behind us, hair bouncing with her step.

She grabs onto Kei's leg and smiles the biggest smile she could manage. "Keisukei!" She crashes into him with the full force of the run causing him to wobble and lose balance.

The little girl seems so young, but she's still old enough to process everything that's going on here.

"Trenslor, how old are you?" I ask her.

"I'm ten, but I'll be eleven in one week!"

Suddenly a low rumble shakes the ground and the clouds above get dark.A shriek calls out from the far end of the village. Over the hills of the village the image of a young boy appears. Running as fast as he can, waving his arms above his head.

His cries are inaudible at first, but as he comes closer I begin to make out what he's saying

"Demon! Run!"

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