Chapter 1 - Another Boring Day

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The sound of my alarm clock ringing pierces through the silence of the room. It did me no good since I only ever got four hours of sleep last night and was wide awake for the rest of the night. I've been having this same dream repeat over and over again for the past 7 years. It always ends in the same spot and it haunts me to my very core.

7 years ago, the fateful day had happened. It was the day I lost my parents. I don't exactly remembered how it happen since I was diagnosed with amnesia once I woke up. My aunt told me the events that happened. Apparently, my parents were in a car crash coming back from a road trip to somewhere. It happened very late in the night is what I was told.

A drunk driver apparently had managed to swerve right into our lane, full speed, killing the driver and my parents in the process. I was the only survivor. How I survive is a mystery to me. The only thing I remember was waking up in a hospital with a bandage over my eyes and an IV in my left arm.

I was in the hospital for about a month with very close monitoring of my health and frequent check ups by the doctors. By the time they released me, I didn't have anywhere else to go to. They wanted to send me to an orphanage but luckily, my aunt came at the right time. She filed the paperwork and I was officially under her care.

She was the nicest lady you'll ever meet. She cooked all of my favourite foods and bought me toys that I had wanted for a long time. Even with that, I didn't want to just use her like some kind of ATM. I decided to get myself emancipated once I was in high school. I love my aunt but I wanted to be independent.

I do visit her over the weekends to help her with cleaning and stuff. She was married but her husband died due to lung cancer a few years after they got married. They weren't lucky to be blessed with any children so having me gave her a small bit of happiness. She was the perfect mother figure.

Lately though, it seemed like her health has started to decline. I insisted for her to go see a doctor but she adamantly refused. She says she's fine but I know she isn't. But, I'm not the type to force others into doing what I want. I still remember something she said to me when I was younger.

"Death always happens around us. Whether it happens to good or bad furs, it still happens. Religious or not, your body will still be here in the ground. It's better to live life the way you want before living the life everyone else wants you to live", she said to me. I love it but I can't seem to really apply it to my daily life.

To say the least, I live a rather boring life. I live in an apartment big enough for me to move about and live the most average life anyone could live. It's just that I don't understand the thought process of other furs. What about me is so interesting that they admire me for?

I don't like sports but I do like to go to the gym on a regular basis. I'm pretty smart and do well in classes but I don't think that's much to admire. My entire appearance is just average. I have dark grey and dark blue fur. My eyes are green in colour and I have regular brown hair that I don't style at all.

What's so interesting about me? The way I walk? The way I talk? The way I look at others? The way I stand? I don't really get it and I don't really care what they think of at this point. They can say a lot of things and I still don't know what they're referring to. I'm not exactly someone you'd remember for the rest of your life.

I can blend in with everyone else yet every student at school thinks I'm some kind of 'god', as I've heard before. No, I'm not a god nor am I a great fur. I'm just an average fur, living in average life in an average living condition. Nothing more, nothing less.

Okay, what an I saying now? I'm getting sidetracked. I need to get to school now. I got up and stretched my body, releasing several crack sounds from my body. Once that was over, I lazily got off the bed and headed into the bathroom. It was the first day back to school for my senior year in high school.

Not much to say because it's neither fun nor exciting. It's just your regular school with regular school hours and regular after school activities. I always wished something interesting could happen but it seems I'm just doomed to live a life of dullness.

Anyway, after slipping out of the only clothing I wore to bed, which was a pair of boxers, I turned on the shower and waited for a few minutes. The heater in this place isn't the greatest so you'll have to wait for a while before it heats up. I test the water after three minutes and deemed it warm enough to shower.

Stepping in felt very awkward but I got used to it after a while. My height of 6'4" reaches the shower head barely below my ears. I quickly washed myself, scrubbing out any dirt in my fur. It took about 10 minutes before I deemed myself clean. After that, I turned off the shower and got out.

I plug the hairdryer into the socket and set it into a medium heat setting. I dried my entire body using the dryer and also using a towel for places that still felt wet. Once done, I unplugged the dryer and hung the towel on the door knob. I then headed to the closet.

Looking through, I decided to wear something simple for the day. I don't like making myself stand out, even in a crowd. I picked a dark blue T-shirt, blue loose fitting jeans and a pair of grey boxers to wear. I quickly got dressed before checking my bag. I needed to make sure I had everything I needed for today.

Once I was done, I grabbed my phone and stuffed it into my pockets and grabbed my bag. I grabbed the keys to my apartment too before leaving. I ran down the stairs of the apartment building and quickly went to the bus stop to wait for my bus.

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