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I was on the balcony of our house. Gorgeously decorated thanks to my lover, Jasper Brooks. Being an artist doesn't stop him from having good taste in interior design. If you need some better decorations, Jazz is your guy.

This makes him a great helper when I need to sell a house. He finds decorations that suits the house and just works his magic. The only thing I need to do is seal the deal but I wouldn't have been this far without Jazz's hell.

"Bathing in the glorious sunlight, love? Mind if I join?", Jazz asked. "No, I don't mind", I say. He strides over to me in the blanket he was still wearing to protect himself from the cold. But it was soon discarded and in its place, was me.

He used me as his blanket. I moved him in front of me as I hugged him from behind. We were both wearing nothing but boxers on. Our furs collided against each other smoothly. It felt rather soothing honestly. He rubs my arms as he melts into the warmth of my fur.

I wish we could just stay like this forever. In each others arm, basking in each others warmth. But alas, we must part everytime. Because I have work to do and I cannot disturb my love when he does his. But for now, we both savoured this moment.

"Kotten. When will they arrive?", Jazz asked. He was talking about our unborn children. "Soon, love. Mine is due for another month. Yours is due for another month and a half", I say. We both decided to get children through surrogates.

One child for each of us. Well, I guess two children for the both of us. Somehow, we both manage to get twins in both the surrogates. How strange but a welcomed one. I don't mind having more children.

I love children. They don't know much about the world and that's what I love about them. You can teach them many things and they always accept it without fail. But I'm not saying I'm being abusive to them. I will never harm my children purposely or accidentally.

I will scold them if they did something bad but that would be the extent. I don't like physical punishment towards children because it could potentially scar them even more. Physically and mentally.

"How did it feel being in the dominant role for once?", I ask. I never get tired of asking that. He said it was the most uncomfortable experience of his entire life. If you don't know, I'm talking about him and the surrogate.

He doesn't like taking the dominant role with me. He rather likes being the submissive one. "You never stop asking me this every single day. Sigh, it felt so strange. I didn't know if I was even doing it right. I will never take that role ever again", he says.

I let out a hearty chuckle at that. For now, we wait until our children are here. And we will love them until the end of our life. No matter what. "I love you", I say to him. He smiles. "I love you too, you big oaf", he teases.

I grab him by his sides and held him high above me. He flails around but let's out laughter that makes me laugh along. As I lower him down, we made eye contact with each other. In those moments, we know we would love each other until our last breath. So, we gave into the moment and shared a kiss that we would not break for a while.

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