Chapter 6 - A Guardian For Me

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After that near death experience, Dakota stuck close to me like a lost pup. That's a funny image. Him being a small wolf pup following me around. Okay, that's not the point here. It had only been three days since I stepped foot into this school and I've already gotten myself a bodyguard.

Strange really since I thought he would have abandoned me right about now. I'm just a liability to him. I don't see why he even wants to be with a freak like me. He told me I wasn't a freak but can I really trust those words? I've been betrayed many times so what's stopping him from doing the same thing to me?

I know it's selfish of me to think about him like that but when you've lived in constant betrayal and pain, you wouldn't want to get close to anyone. It was a surprise I even spoke to him really. I feel safe around him yet I also have this uneasy feeling. That smile he gives me whenever he sees me sometimes scares me.

I've never had a real friend for years now. To have someone who is willing to protect me from others would seem like a dream to me. But, I have someone who's protecting me from others. The question is, should I put my full trust on him when I've barely known him? Yes, we've talked about a lot of stuff.

But, those stuff we talked about were mostly about school. I barely know anything about him and he isn't sharing anything about him. I do know he doesn't see himself as how others see him. He thinks he's just average but in reality, any girl would literally kill to have him as their boyfriend.

"What're you thinking, pup?", someone whispered into my ear. I jumped on fright before turning around. Dakota was standing behind me, a smirk visible on his face. "That wasn't funny! I almost had a heart attack", I said. "Oh, don't worry.
The nurse can put ice on that for you", he said.

I roll my eyes at his joke. "You know, school has let out about five minutes ago. Why're you still standing here?", he asks. I look around to realise that nobody is in the halls anymore. "Oh, crap! Lets go now", I said in surprise. How embarrassing. I was so lost in thought I didn't realise everyone had went home already.

I quickly speed walked my way out of the school with Dakota in tow. My house was nearby so I didn't need to take the bus. Dakota, on the other hand, lived a bit further away from school and had to take the bus. It was a silent journey for the most part. I don't even know what to say to break the silence.

We walked for a couple more minutes before I realised that we had passed the bus stop. "Wait, aren't you suppose to wait for the bus?", I asked. "Oh, it's okay. It usually comes late during Fridays so I walk home during those days", he says. Something in his body language told me he was lying.

But, I decided to keep my mouth shut. Does it really arrive late during Fridays? "Something on your mind?", Dakota suddenly asked. "Huh, what? No, it's nothing", I say. "Really? I thought you did since you suddenly stopped walking", he says. "Oh, I did? Sorry, I sometimes get distracted", I say.

He looks at me silently before shrugging. We continued our walk. A heavy silence filled the air as a cool breeze started to blow in our direction. It felt nice but at the same time, it felt a bit awkward. I never really liked the silence when I'm near anyone. Sadly, I'm too scared to really tell anyone about my discomfort.

"So, are you still up for tomorrow?", Dakota asks. "Huh?", I said. Tomorrow? There's something happening tomorrow? "Did you really forget? You asked to hang out tomorrow", he says. "Oh, uh, I knew that", I said, looking away from his face. Without even looking, I knew he had a smug grin on his face.

"Sure, you did", he says, voice laced heavily with sarcasm. "Whatever", I say, rolling my eyes too at his cheeky smile. Before I could even say anything, I realised we were already at my house. I had to do a double take, just in case. I didn't even realise how long we were talking for. He looks at me, a quizzical look painted on his face.

"So, are you gonna head in or..?", he asks. "Oh, uh, yeah. I guess, see you tomorrow?", I say to him. He chuckles. "Yeah, see ya", he says. Then, he turns back and heads off to his house. I stood there for a while, watching as his figure dissappears into the distance.

With one last look, I headed inside. I said my usual greeting to my family and quickly headed upstairs. I closed and locked my door before throwing myself onto my bed. I can't really believe it, to be honest. I really did make a friend in this place. I can't believe I doubted him.

That time in the gym, where he looked like he was about to commit murder just to protect me from getting hit by a dodgeball. I didn't know why he did it even. I mean, he could've just let it hit me and possibly knock me out. Instead, he risked possibly getting hurt trying to save me.

I hate myself for even doubting him. But, there's no reason for me to be self-loathing. The only thing I can do is trust him. I need to lower my guard and let him help me. He's like a guardian, now that I think about it. Huh, a guardian for me. How cliché, is that?

Having someone big and strong protecting someone who looks weak and small. But, I appreciate the effort really. He's willing to risk his reputation to be friends with me. That's more than anything anyone can ask for really.

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