Chapter 9 - Workout Buddies

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Well, can't really believe it but time went by really fast for some reason. It went from August to September in just a blink of an eye. What am I doing now, you may ask? Well, I'm just at the gym. I need to keep myself fit somehow.

I don't like being near a lot of furs but in the end, I can't exactly stay in my comfort zone forever. What I do really is just ignore everyone and imagine that they're not there at all. It works most of the time. I can usually go on for hours on end without the interruptions.

That's why I had to personally ask the staff to tell me to stop after a few hours. When I'm really dedicated to a task, I tend to get lost in the work and spend hours doing it. Don't worry, I've only been in here for about 20 minutes now. I was currently using the bench press, lost in my counting.

"Hey big guy, need me to spot you?", a bunny boy asked me. With that, I snapped out of my trance and lost count. Damn it. "No, I'm fine", I say as I place the barbell back on the stand. The mood was lost when I lost count.

I stood up and went to the leg press machine instead. Can't exactly leave the upper body to be the only one trained. I sit down and position myself on the chair. I take a deep breath and started my exercise. "One... Two... Three", I count after every push. Within ten pushes, I was back in my own world.

"Seventy eight... Seventy nine... Eighty", I count. I was really focused but once again, I was broken out of my trance. This time, it wasn't a verbal interruption but a visual interruption. Not far from where I was, I saw the bunny boy lifting dumbbells. I saw him sneak a quick glance at me.

Oh god, I know that look. Maybe if I were 14, I would've. He's expecting to get into my pants. When I was 14, I would've fucked anyone really. Male, female, transgender or even non-binary. As long as they had a hole. I really don't want to tell him cause I want to focus on my workout.

Just then, I see someone familiar from the corner of my eye. He was walking sheepishly from the locker room. I get off the leg machine and went up to him. "Hey, dude!", I say. He looked mildly surprised before giving me those bro handshakes. "Hey, I wasn't expecting you here", he said.

"It's like the only gym in town though", I say. His face goes red. "I... I knew that, just wasn't expecting you to go to the gym", he says. "I don't exactly get my body like this just from sitting around in my house", I say. "Whatever", he says. I chuckle at his failed attempt at a pout.

"Yeah, yeah. Anyway, need a workout buddy?", I ask. It was silent for a bit. "Sure. That would be great", he says. I quickly pulled him towards the chest press machine. I sit him down and tell him to hold onto the handles. "So, I'll adjust the weights. Tell me if it gets heavy", I tell him. He nods.

I start off at the lightest weight first. He does it easily. I move onto the next one and he does that easily. I keep moving down until he finds says it's heavy. He got down to the 10th weight plate. "So, you do that. I'll be right next to you, okay?", I say. He nods.

I went to the machine next to his and adjust it to my preferred weight. Then, I do my own workout. Somehow, it feels really different when I do it. I mean, I barely even notice anyone around me but I'm not lost in my own world. I'm still concious but I'm focused on my workout.

I look to my right and see Jasper, who's diligently using the chest press. He's the only one that clear to me. Everyone else is a blur to me. He stops and looks at me. A small smile was visible from where I was looking. I smiled at that and suddenly, I felt like showing off to him.

So, I look back in front and started counting my reps. "203... 204... 205...", I counted. I was unstoppable. I passed the amount I wanted to do originally and was doing more than I needed. "Hey, Dakota. You can stop now!", I heard someone yelling to me. I snapped out of my trance after 274 reps.

"Huh, what?", I ask. "Oh, thank god. You were so lost in thought. I was asking if you want to go to the next machine?", he says. Sweat was dripping off me like crazy. What even happened? I never felt that energetic before. I think that's enough of a workout for me today.

"You know, how about you wait here for a minute. I think I had enough of a workout today. Don't worry, I'll still help you", I say. He nods. I went to locker room and headed into the shower after grabbing my towel. I cleaned every inch of myself and got dressed in my spare clothes.

I head out and started training Jasper. He was really determined. I like that. He doesn't let anyone else stop him from doing what he wants. I help him with the bench press and bicep curls. I let him do his own thing on the leg press. I give him some advice on how to do proper push-ups and chin-ups. After about two hours, he was done for the day.

"Well, you can go shower and change. Did your parents send you here?", I ask. "No, I took the bus", he says. "Do you have a curfew?", I ask. He shakes his head. "Then, you can join me for a walk through town?", I ask. He was silent yet again. Then, he giggles. "Sure, big guy. Wait for me outside", he says.

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