The Unquiet Dead

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"So, I took you to the future. How about the past? 1860. How does that sound?" The Doctor stood before his three friends, all of whom were new to time travel. They each looked thoughtful in turn, seeming to agree with the suggestion.

"What happens in 1860?" Andrew wondered.

"Let's have a look." The grin on the Time Lord's face widened as he dramatically yanked down a large lever. The TARDIS leapt through the time vortex at his command, leading her passengers towards their next adventure.


In a deserted and formerly quiet alleyway, the TARDIS pulsed into view. The Doctor, Rose, Charlotte, and Andrew were lying in a heap on the floor inside as a result of the rough trip.

"Everyone okay?" The Doctor sprang to his feet in almost an instant, pulling his companions off the floor.

"Yeah, we're fine. Are we there?" Charlotte asked, smiling excitedly, eager to see what month of the year they'd landed in this time. "So where are we, then?" Charlotte peered at the monitor, certain that the date was somewhere on it. All she could see were circular symbols that didn't make even the slightest bit of sense, though they did look vaguely familiar.

The Doctor gestured to the door and smiled. "Christmas, 1860. All yours."

"But Doctor, how can you know the date and time? You can read that?" She tilted her head to the side, indicating the scanner on the console.

"Yep." Was his simple reply.

"1860. It's Christmas. It only happens once, but you can see all the days that have gone by, as many times as you like. It never ends," Rose said, staring at the unperturbed alien. He merely folded his arms and nodded.

Charlotte was still engrossed in the strangely fascinating artwork of what was apparently a language. The Doctor glanced over at her concentrated expression and smiled.

Rose headed for the door, opening it to recieve a swift gust of chilly air in her face.

"Where are you going?" The Doctor asked in amusement.


He shook his head. "You all need to get dressed. You can't go out there wearing that! Down there past the bin, you'll find the wardrobe."

Rose shut the door once more and followed his fairly simple instructions, Andrew trailing behind and Charlotte hurrying after them, having managed to tear herself away from the monitor. The Doctor stayed by the console, stroking it gently and murmuring words from a long lost age.


The Doctor was near the console as he looked at some wires then  he looked up to see Charlotte in a long dress.

Rose was also in a dress and Andrew in a suit and tie. The Doctor smiled at them.

"You all look amazing...Charlotte you look beautiful."

"Thanks honey," said Charlotte as she smiled at him and walked to the door. Andrew looked at Rose, smiling.

"You look beautiful too, Rose."

Rose blushed. "Thanks, Andrew. Aren't you going to change, Doctor?"

"I changed my shirt. Right then, let's go," the Doctor announced and he stood up, ready to go outside, but Rose stopped him.

"Stay there. You've done this before. Now it's my turn."

Rose smiled and ran to the door, joining Charlotte. They both headed out the door, Rose swiping a foot on the snow and smiling.

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