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The TARDIS landed in a base underground, in some sort of collection area. The door opened and they all walked out, looking around.

"What is it?"

"Some sort of signal, calling us in," said the Doctor as they walked to see bits of aliens in boxes. Rose looked at one of the boxes and saw a Cyberman head in it, though Charlotte was more interested in where they were.

"Where are we?"

"Earth, Utah, North America, and we're a few miles underground," the Doctor replied as he walked to a box and looked at it.

"And when are we?"

"2012." The Doctor studied a stuffed snake-like alien in a box.

Rose smiled when she thought about the year. "That's so close. I'd be 26."

Smiling at Rose's discovery, the Doctor turned on the lights and everything become a bit more clear to see.

Rose looked in the box with the Cyberman head as Andrew walked to her to examine her find.

"What is that?"

"I don't know, I'll ask the Doctor when he comes down here," said Rose as she looked over her shoulder to see the Doctor still looking at the boxes.

"It's like a big museum."

"An alien one, yeah. Someone likes alien things," the Doctor mused as he looked to see how big the place was and to we how much stuff was in the boxes.

"They must've spent a lot of money on it. There's bits of rock and meteor, moon dust...a bit of space ship, and oh what have you found?"

"What is it," said Charlotte. The Doctor looked at it and he knew what it was.

"It's a Cyberman."

"Is that what the signal came from?" said Rose as she wondered if that's why they were here.

The Doctor shook his head and looked at it.

"It's dead the signal alive something reaching out calling for help" said the doctor as he carried on looking at the cyber head. When guards came from all angels and pointed their guns at them "somone collecting aliens which makes you exhibit a" and the doctor smiled at them and it goes into the theam tune.

Then we arrive back in the base as a helicopter comes down. "Bad Wolf one coming in. Bad Wolf one coming in."

"Mr. Van Statten! I'd like to say happy birthday sir, and the President called to give you birthday wishes," said a man as he walked in with Van Statten.

"He's ten points down, I want him replaced."

"I don't think that's wise, sir," said the man and he looked at him when guards took him by the arms and dragged him off.

"Take him away, get his mind wiped, and leave him on a road someplace-- Memphis, Minneapolis, someplace being with M. Now, next president: Republican or Democrat?"

"Democrat, sir," said a woman and they all stopped and looked at her.


"Because they're so funny, sir," the woman replied, wondering what he was going to say. He only smiled.

"What's your name?"

"Goddard, sir. Diana Goddard," said Goddard as she turned to him as he called for Adam.

"I like you, so where's the English kid?"

"Sir, we've got some more alien stuff for you to look at," said Adam as he wonder what he wants, he looked at him and frowned.

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