Empty Child

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In the tardis " What's the emergency" "It's mauve"the doctor replied as the tardis shakes as they follow something " Mauve" "The universally recognised colour for danger " Charlotte said as she told her what it was and why it was called that" What happened to red"" That's just humans. By everyone else's standards, red's camp. Oh, the misunderstandings. All those red alerts, all that dancing. It's got a very basic flight computer. I've hacked in, slaved the Tardis. Where it goes, we go"said the doctor as the tardis flys after it "And that's safe, is it" "Totally. Okay, reasonably. Should have said reasonably there. No, no, no, no! It's jumping time tracks, getting away from us"the doctor said as they tried to get after it  "What exactly is this thing" "No idea " the doctor said as he did not know what it is"  Then why are we chasing it""It's mauve and dangerous, and about thirty seconds from the centre of London " and it goes into the theam tune. 

The tardis fly through the vortex and it introduces the cast of the show and the title. Then we arrive in a ally way" Do you know how long you can knock around space without happening to bump into Earth"" Five days? Or is that just when we're out of milk " said Charlotte as she lowers her arms as she walked near the doctor as their hands touch a bit as they walked" Of all the species in all the Universe and it has to come out of a cow.Must have come down somewhere quite close. Within a mile, anyway. And it can't have been more than a few weeks ago. Maybe a month"" A month? We were right behind it"said Andrew as he knew they where right behind it as he held rose hand "It was jumping time tracks all over the place. We're bound to be a little bit out. Do you want to drive" "Yeah. How much is a little" Charlotte said as she looked at him " A bit"Is that exactly a bit " Andrew asked" Ish"" What's the plan, then? Are you going to do a scan for alien tech or something " said Charlotte as she wonder if they going to scan for it " Charlotte , it hit the middle of London with a very loud bang. I'm going to ask""Doctor John Smith, Ministry of Asteroids" Charlotte said as she looks at the physics paper "It's psychic paper. It tells you" "Whatever you want it to tell me, I remember"andrew said as they reached a door "Sorry"" Not very Spock, is it, just asking " Charlotte smiled as she wonder what he was doing"Door, music, people. What do you think" "I think you should do a scan for alien tech. Give me some Spock, for once will it kill you "Charlotte said as he scans the door with the sonic" Are you sure about that t-shirt""Too early to say. I'm taking it out for a spin" rose smiled as she looked at her top. 

When she heard a voice "Mummy? Mummy" "Come on if you're coming honey . It won't take a few minutes  "said Andrew he goes in with the doctor and Charlotte as rose hear the voice again" Mummy "" andrew, Andrew ? There's a kid up there " she called but they where already in the room. 

As she went to see what the kid was up to In the night club a singer was singing as they watch it" For nobody else gave me the thrill. When I have uphold silence still, it had to be you, wonderful you""Are you all right up there" rose said as she see the children up there wondering if it OK "Mummy" "It had to be you"the singer had finished and the doctor stood up "Excuse me. Excuse me. Could I have everybody's attention just for a mo? Be very quick. Hello! Might seem like a stupid question, but has anything fallen from the sky recently" "Mummy "the kids said again" Okay , hang on. Don't move!""Sorry, have I said something funny? It's just, there's this thing that I need to find. Would've fallen from the sky a couple of days ago.  Would've landed quite near here. With a very loud " said the doctor as he heard the noise in bothered background as everyone ran out " Quickly as you can, down to the shelter"" Bang"he sighed and lower his hand. 

Meanwhile outside " Mummy. Balloon" "honey, Andrew, Andrew Okay, maybe not this t-shirt"said rose as she looked down at her top to see what she was wearing then back at what going on " Rose?You know, one day, just one day, maybe, doctor you  going to meet someone who gets the whole don't wander off thing. Nine hundred years of phone box travel, it's the only thing left to surprise you right doctor . How can you be ringing? What's that about, ringing? What you supposed to do with a ringing phone doctor is this surpose to happen "" Don't answer it. It's not for you"said Nancy as she walked to him telling him not to awnser it " And how do you know that" "Cos I do. And I'm telling you, don't answer it"she repeated what she said " Well, if you know so much, tell me this. How can it be ringing? It's not even a real phone. It's not connected, it's not. Hello? Hello? This is Andrew speaking the doctor here do you need help . How may I help you" "Mummy? Mummy " the child said one the other kind" Who is this? Who's speaking"" Are you my mummy " it asked again" Who is this"" Mummy " it asked" How did you ring here? This isn't a real phone. It's not wired up to anything"" Mum my " it said again" Rose? Rose, are you in there""The planes are coming. Can't you hear them? Into the shelter. None of your nonsense, now move it. Come on, hurry up, get in there. Come on. Arthur! Arthur, Will you hurry up? Didn't you hear the siren " a woman said as she called to her husband " Middle of dinner, every night. Blooming Germans. Don't you eat""I can hear the planes " the women said as he just walked along" Don't you eat""Oh, keep your voice down, will you? It's an air raid! Get in. Look, there's a war on"the woman said as her husband walked to her "I know there's a war on. Don't push me". 

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