Long Game

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The tardis lands in a room full of screen showing people what going on in the world. When the tardis landed the door opend and the doctor, rose, Charlotte and Andrew walked out and looked around "so, it's two hundred thousand, and it's a spaceship, no hang on , wait a minute, space station, and er, go and try that gate over there, I think that be enough off you go" rose smiles as Adam walls out looking around to where they are as Charlotte walks to the doctor side, her hand by her side as Andrew watch on rose told Adam where they are with a sad face hoping him and her could be together one day . 

"OMG this is amazing where are we "" Good question, let's see, so, er, judging by the architecture, I'd say we're around the year two hundred thousand. If you listen " said rose as she smiled as they lisern to the noise of the ship. Charlotte hand started to move to the doctor and she held it and then moved it again before he took it and held it with smile. They look at each other and look at their hands the doctor kissed Charlotte hand as she blushes at him. She felt something towards the doctor but did not  know if it was going to go anywhere or not. So she looked back at rose and Adam still holding the doctor hand " yeah I'm liserning"" engines Adam I think we're on some sort of space station, yeah, definitely a space station, wow It's a bit warm in here. They could turn the heating down, oh there's a gate over there least have a look come on " said rose as she walked through with Adam, Andrew followed and Charlotte let go of the doctor hand and was about to run off when the doctor stoped her and smiled"could you feel that between us how do you feel" "I never felt this way before I oh rose is calling us least go" Charlotte said before she could finish her sentance and they both walk to where rose was and look outside to see the earth outside the window. oh final you two so here we go Adam, and this is, um I'll let the Doctor describe it "" sorry we ust chatting and this is the Fourth great and bountiful Human Empire, and there it is, planet Earth at it's height what you think Charlotte " said the doctor as he tells them about the earth but then Adam faints behind them" he's your boyfriend"" not anymore because Andrew my boyfriend " rose said as she smiled at Andrew who blushed and it goes into the theam tune. The tardis fly through the vortex and it introduces the cast of the show. And the title and then we arrive back on the ship, the doctor stood over Adam as he woke up "Come on, Adam wake up, open your mind, you're going to like this. Fantastic period of history, the human race at its most intelligent, culture, art, politics, this era has got fine food, good manners oh sorry" " Out of the way " said a man as he pushes past the doctor as lots of people move around and start shopping. Charlotte looked at the doctor and smiled as they hear all the conversations that was going on "thank you very much indeed, somebody there, that's great, what do you want, love, all right, keep moving, I'll be with you lot in a minute, here you are,one at a time, what now, what was it, Kronkburger with cheese, kronkburger with pajatos, right do you want a drink with that, Oi, you, mate, stop pushing, get back, now I said, back"" fine cuisine honey your watch must me wrong "Charlotte said smiling at him. 

The doctor looks at his watch and wonder what going on" my watch must be wrong, no, it's fine, It's weird"" that's what comes of showing off, your history's not as good as you thought it was doctor "saud Andrew as he smiled at the doctor as they all gigged, the doctor held Charlotte hand as he looked around" my history's perfect actually "" well, obviously not "said Charlotte as she smiled at him then turned to Adam who thease people where. " they're all human, what about the millions of planets, the millions of species, where are they "" good question Adam, actually, that is a good question, me old mate, you must be starving after what we just been through "said the doctor as he wonder if Adam was hungry, Adam shock his head and looked at him" no, I'm just a bit time sick that's all really "" no, you just need a bit of grub in you, oi, mate  how much is a kronkburger by the way "said the doctor as he goes to the man at the food place wondering how much things where. The person looks at him frowning" two credits twenty, sweetheart, now join the queue please thank  you""money, we need money,let's use a cashpoint I use my sonic "the doctor said as they walk to a cashpoint and he sonic it and grabes a small bar out of it and passes it to Adam" there you go Adam , pocket money, don't spend it all on sweets unless you want to "" how does it work doctor "Adam asked as he looked at it confused. The doctor looked at him and then he smiled at Charlotte" go and find out, stop nagging me, the thing is, Adam, time travel's like visiting Paris, you can't just read the guide book, you've got to throw yourself in Adam, eat the food, use the wrong verbs, get charged double and end up kissing complete strangers, or is that just me, anyway Stop asking questions, go and do it Adam, off you go, then rose your first date with Andrew "" you're going to get a smack, you are come on Andrew least go on a date  "rose said as she smiled at Andrew who walked with rose and Adam to have something to eat as they leave the doctor and Charlotte together and alone, the doctor grabes Charlotte hand and smiled and they walk off. 

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