Aliens Of London

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In London near some flats, the TARDIS landed. The blue wooden door opened and Charlotte and the Doctor stepped out of the ship, looking around.

"How long have I been gone?"

"About twelve hours." the Doctor replied as he smiled.

She walked off a bit, calling back, "I'm going to see my mum. Don't go anywhere."

"Wouldn't dream of it." The Doctor smiled at her as she ran off up the stairs.

Upon reaching the top, she opened the door, feeling glad to be back home.

"Hey mum, I was at my mate's. I'm back, how have you been? What, it's not like I've been gone that long."

"Oh my god, it's you."

Christen hugged her tightly and Jackie stared, wondering where Rose was. Behind her mum, Charlotte saw a poster lying discarded on the table. She was shocked to see her face on it.

Outside, Rose was walking around when she saw a similar poster and looked at it. Her expression changed drastically once she'd read the paper.

"What's wrong, Rose?"

"Andrew, Doctor, you might want to see this." said Rose as she looked at them. The Doctor headed over to her and peered at the poster. His eyebrows raised, and less than a second later, he began to run to the stairs, pulling Rose along with him.

Charlotte released her mother from the hug, looking stricken. She stared open mouthed at the flyer, fearing that it meant what she suspected it did.

Suddenly, the Doctor burst into the room with Rose, followed by a panting Andrew.

"Sorry, you've been gone for twelve months, not twelve hours." The Doctor informed them, trying to hide his surprise under a disarming smile.


The TARDIS flies through the vortex as the cast of the show is introduced, and then we arrive back near the flats. A boy is spray painting on the TARDIS the words "Bad Wolf" and a poster with the the words Blue Horse school written on it can be seen.


"The days I spent here, weeks and days with Jackie, and I thought you where both dead." Christen said quietly.

"Why don't you both tell me where you've been." She continued.

"We've been traveling, mum." Rose said, trying to smile.

Jackie frowned and looked at her daughter.

"With your passport in the drawer. It's one lie after another," she accused.

"Why can't you tell me where you've been?"

"I was going phone, I really was, but I forgot." Rose tried to explain, glancing at the police officer who entered the room and took a seat on the side of the sofa.

Christen glared at Charlotte.

"You forgot for a year! Why don't you really tell me where you've been. Don't lie to me."

A silence fell over them before the Doctor spoke.

"It's sort of my fault...I let Charlotte travel with me as, well, sort of my lover."

"Is that a relationship?" queried the officer.

They both looked uncomfortable, giving each other a sideways look.

In unison, they said: "Um, well..."

"Did you find Charlotte online and pretend to be a Doctor?" Christen snapped as she strode over to look him in the eyes.

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