Bad Wolf

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Previously the Doctor, Rose, Charlotte, Andrew, and Adam ended up on a spaceship that showed news reports to Earth.

But there was a creature above, on floor five hundred making the bottom level warm, so the Doctor, Andrew, Charlotte and Rose headed up to find the monster. So they heated the room and destroyed the monster and took Adam home and went on their next adventure.

Bad Wolf

- 100 years later -

Up in space stood Satellite Five— it had two rings on both sides with a corridor in the center of the two rings. As you zoom in to the ship the Doctor was lying on the floor as a familiar music started to play. Hw woke up and tried to find a way out.

"What's going on, where am I?"

The door opens and the Doctor fell onto the floor, Charlotte and Lynda, who had blond hair, ran to him to see if he was OK.

"Honey, you ok? What happened to us?"

"I'm not sure where am I?" said the Doctor while trying to get up but fell back down again.

Lynda helped him up while Charlotte got some water.

"You're in the house, you're a housemate, Charlotte's getting some water and you'll be OK soon."

"thank you both, this is very strange it's felt like a transfermat "the doctor said after getting his strength back but before he could do anything a voice came on and called for him.

"will the doctor pleased come to the diary room"

he noded and head to a room with a little red chair and sat down

"welcome to game 44000 please do not swear"

"you got to be kidding me "said the doctor as he looking at the camera.

And we end up in a dark room with red flashing light rose and Andrew was on the floor they looked up to see a man standing there, they looked confused because one minute they  was in the tardis.

The next minutes they  was lying on the floor so they  wanted to know where she was "where are we "

"don't worry it's the transmat, it makes you feel strange come on its time for the game "said the man while helping rose up as she helped Andrew up  as they walked to the game with a robot and stands with name on them.

" but I'm not suppose to be here we  was with Jack, Charlotte and the doctor "

" It said rose and Andrew on the stand cone on " said the man while letting go of rose as they walked to where her name.

And Andrew name was, and remembered what he said" the an drode "

" welcome to the wickest link "said the robot as it introduce the show. As rose looked shocked about what was going on

" OK this  Is not going very well "Andrew said as he looked around frowning .

Jack woke up to find himself on a chair and to see two robot standing there, he smiled and sat up" hello ladies and where am I "" your in the dressing room and were did you get that top " said one of the robot replying to what Jack said while looking at his top, he smiled and looked at them both" it was from Cardiff somewhere called the top shop""design classic now stand still and let the defabucator do it's magic "said the robot while telling Jack to stand infront of a machin.

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