Grey Stone Academy // The School and Grounds.

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The Academy. As said, the school itself was once a mighty castle. Large, made of dark gray stones, and ancient, most of the school is set inside of the original castle, with newer buildings being added on over the years. From tall towers hangs black flags with the school symbol, two swords crossed over a silver shield. It's huge building, with too many secrets hidden within its stone walls. A large wall surrounds the castle and its grounds, made of the same mighty stone as the castle. With its sturdy wall and stone setting, Grey Stone Academy can look almost like a prison...and to darlings, it is.

You may enter but you might never, ever leave. Not without your loving little yandere quick on your trail...

Headmaster's Office. The heart of the school is the headmaster's office. A large office with a crackling fireplace and full of African art and leather bound books. The students rarely enter it. After all, in such a large school, the headmaster rarely deals with students one on one. He is more concerned with seeing that the school runs properly (as well as covering up any incidents that may occur from time to time).

All teachers have their own offices as well.

Classrooms. Each faction has their own set of classrooms, as well as the classrooms for the basic subjects. Most of the classrooms surround the cafeteria neatly, with the smaller studies being spread out in other areas of the school. The classrooms are often described as chilly and neat, though many of the older rooms being currently out of use. Some simply because of old age and other because of previous "accidents" that occurred within the room. Of course, many yanderes use this to their advantage.

After all, where better then to deal with a rival or confess your feelings to a darling then in a desolate, dark classroom?

Cafeteria. The staff and student of the academy are provided with five star meals every day, courtesy of Chef Gregory and his cooks. The factions of the school have their own ares to sit in and the teachers and staff sit at the head tables or in private rooms. Despite the many issues with the school, the lunch room remains as "neutral" territory. No fighting, no drama, nothing of the sort.

It's one of the few ares in the school that doesn't seem to have some kind of horrible incident in its past.

Gymnasium and Athletics Fields. The academy offers just about every sport you can imagine, from football to swimming to croquet (there is also a few Quidditch teams started by the students, one for each Hogwarts house). Of course, it has everything needed for the students to participate in these sports, from pools to fields to uniforms and everything else. There has been a few issues in the past. Too many rivalries fueled by sport and love have occurred, followed by a murder or two.

You would be smart to mind your manners around the athletic students (especially Coach Rook), as they can be a little...intense.

Dormitories. There are two original dorm buildings (one male and one female) and a third for the upper level students (co-ed). Every room is shared by four students and has its own bathroom. Each dorm floor has a head mother or head father as well as a team of head students to help out on the daily doings. Roommates are chosen randomly but upper level students can choose roommates of their own. Rules are expected to be followed, curfew is to be kept, and please...though there is a little bit of midnight trouble making.

Some yanderes might break into other students rooms, showers, or anything of the sort! Do try to be careful, darlings.

Faculty Housing. The faculty have their own housing, a refurbished wing of the castle. It's large and cozy and comfortable. The teachers and headmaster have one wing, where as other staff (gardening and cooking, etc.) have another wing of the castle. It's very accommodating, with every faculty member having their own bathroom, bedroom, and living room. There is a sitting room of sorts at the base of it all, a good place for the teachers to chat and relax.

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