The University Student // Grey Stone Academy.

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 It was supposed to be an opportunity.

At least, that was what you parents had told you. All your life, it had felt as though every choice you made...wasn't made by you. Your parents, though they loved you greatly, were a tad bit controlling. Especially your father. They made every decision, from big to small, always insisting that it was for the best.

You understood it.

Their only child, you had been beloved and protected all of your life. And all of your life, you had hated it, always dreaming of a little taste of freedom.

College was supposed to be just that.

But of course your dreams were dashed once again, your parents smiling as they informed you that you had been a school that you had never applied to. Never even heard of. With tears in your mother's eyes and an almost smile on your father's face, they informed you of the university you would be attending.

Grey Stone.

"It has other levels too," you mother said, "But you were so sickly when you were little...we couldn't bear to send you away so soon! Now that you're well, we decided it was time to send you along."

And with that, your dreams of freedom were gone.

It was only a week later when your parents packed you up and sent you on a plane to the Academy, your mother crying and your father saying very little, only holding your mother's hand in silent comfort.

"You'll be fine." He insisted. "We both attended Grey Stone as well, Y/N, and it brought us many happy memories."

And with that, you were gone.

The plane and bus ride to the school were spent in silence, your mind wandering over a million things and your stomach sick at the thought of it all. All around you, other students did their own thing. A pretty girl in bright pink chatted with her friends. A young man hummed beneath his breath. No one seemed to notice you and that was almost comforting.

You told yourself that it would work out.

A school was still a school. And though it wasn't the one you had picked, it was still miles and miles away from your parent's watchful eyes and worries.

You told yourself that you would make the best of it.

Make some friends, attend some parties, maybe even finally fall in love...all of your little dreams could still come true, couldn't they?

But before you could truly convince yourself of anything, the bus came to a slow halt in front of a mighty gate. For a moment, everything was still and everyone was quiet. Then the gates swung open and the bus rumbled further along a stone path, finally stopping at a grey building. The doors hissed open, letting in the chilly air.

'Upper Level Dormitory,' the sign read.

The other students swarmed off of the bus, lugging bags and trunks behind them as they laughed and chatted.

For a moment, you didn't move.

Couldn't or wouldn't?

You knew that you couldn't stay frozen in the bus forever. You couldn't just hide here. At some point, you would need to get up and face your future.

"All students must exit the bus."

The voice, sudden and sharp, made you jump up and whirl around. Behind you stood a tall young man with thick blonde curls and icy blue eyes. He looked at you with an almost bored expression on his face, speaking up once more in a snappy tone.

"Get moving."

Before you could say a thing, he'd reached over you and yanked down your luggage, letting it land with a loud thump. Motioning you forward, he lead you off of the bus and into the remaining throng of students that milled about in the courtyard. Some of them glanced over, only to immediately look away when they noticed the man standing at your side. Most ignored you completely.

"I suppose," he said, "you would like a little help, seeing that you're new and all."

"How did you know?"

"I've attended Grey Stone Academy since I was twelve years old and am familiar with most of my classmates. You're a new face."

The students seemed to part for the tall man, most of them not even meeting his cold gaze as he walked through them. If he noticed their behavior, he didn't seem to care at all. Walking quickly up the steps, he barely waited for you to catch up at the doors.

"My name is Hans Anderson." He told you. "I'm one of the head students of the Upper levels, our level. I see that the rules are followed and assist the teachers and students."

The doors slammed behind you, making you jump once more as Hans walked on.

"You'll be expected to pick a major, of course, as well as a few extracurricular actives and clubs. Upper students often run events and clubs for the younger students too." He said. "Dorms are co-ed here. You're supposed to have roommates, unless you have a single, which is a privilege."

"I do."


"My...parents went here. I guess they set it up."

At that, Hans actually seemed almost interested. A certain gleam overtook his blue eyes, dark and cold, as he looked at you. It was...strange. He seemed to gaze at you as though you were a little toy he had been given, something new and exciting.

"Interesting." He muttered.

And then he turned away, the look melting away as he walked forward once more.

"Bathrooms are every floor. Common room and kitchens are on the ground floor. Though this is a newer wing of the school. I would warn you to be a little careful. These halls can be confusing, especially in the school itself. You could get lost here or locked in an abandoned room one would even notice."

As you were lead through the dorms, the crowds started to get louder and louder. Music played, students chatted, everyone laughing and unpacking.

Some ignored you.

Some looked at you with interest.

And others, you noticed, seemed rather nervous. Almost as though they were afraid of something.

That sick feeling from before came again, curling in your stomach and making your blood run a little bit colder. But you still followed Hans, wondering just where your dorm might be. Through a swinging door you went, nearly running into him when he suddenly stopped.

"Single dorms are in this hall." He said. "Your papers should have a map of the grounds and your dorm number so I think you'll be fine from here."

"Oh, yes," you replied softly, "thank you, Hans."

He nodded, walking away without another word. Flipping through the blue folder, you were able to find your dorm number and stumble into the little room. Boxes were piled around, surrounding the bed and desk. A dusty dresser sat in the corner, a few empty drawers laying open.

Setting down you things with a long sigh, you walked to the window and yanked open the white curtains.

Streams of pale sunlight had broken through the grey clouds, flooding the room with a little bit of light.

You would be okay.

Everything would be okay.

After all, you told yourself, what was the worse thing that could happen? Your parents had gone here too, hadn't they? And they had managed to find their happily ever after...

So would you.

(A new university student for the upper level yanderes to capture...or maybe a teacher. Who knows what kind of trouble poor Y/N will fall into!)  

Yandere x Reader Story // Grey Stone Academy.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora