The New Teacher // Grey Stone Academy.

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 It was a dream come true.

To be chosen to be a teacher at Grey Stone Academy was such an honor! It was something every teacher wanted but truthfully, very few ever saw anything more then a picture of the place. So when you had first applied, it was only on a silly whim. Just a pipe dream. Since you had started studying to be a teacher, you had dreamed of teaching at the school...but only a select few were ever chosen.

Would you be one of them, you wondered?

Would you be good enough?

Your little heart beat wildly at just the idea of it and though you were had to try. And to your surprise, a sleek black and silver letter came bearing the best of news:

You were chosen!

Above all other applicants, you had been chosen!

Even though you were young and inexperienced, fresh out of school, you had been hand picked to teach at the school!!

It seemed like a dream, exciting and wonderful and almost frightening all at the same time. You'd read the letter over and over and over again, just to make sure that what you were seeing wasn't the fantasy of a job hungry college graduate.

But it was real, all of it.

After taking several strange tests (personality tests, you were told, to make sure you were the right fit), the stress of packing, and a long plane ride, you were here. You were really standing on the steps of the school, suitcase in hand. The tall building towered high into the iron gray sky, looking so much more formidable then the photos. Before you could manage to wonder where you were supposed to be going, the wooden doors swung wide open, a blast of cold air bursting around you. In the dim light, you saw two men.

One mean looking.

One rather meek.

The mean one was a tall African man who gave you a cool smile, the meek one was nearly hidden behind him. Reaching forward to shake your hand with his, the taller of the two gave you a polite nod. The handshake was nearly crushing, making you wince through your smile as the second man began to speak softly.

"Miss Y/N, it's very nice to finally meet you. I'm Vice Headmaster Rose and this is Headmaster Bello. We just know you're going to love it here."

The headmaster still didn't speak a word.

Taking your suitcase from your hand, he silently motioned you forward, walking behind you and the vice headmaster as the three of you entered the school. With the new school year not having started yet, the academy was dark and quiet, your footsteps echoing into the empty halls.

It was almost unnerving.

Perhaps the hustle and bustle of students would give the place a little more life but right seemed so strange.

Almost dead.

Only a few lights flickered, barely breaking through the darkness. Every so often, you seemed to catch a glimpse of someone down another hall. A maid in a neat uniform, a shy looking man with a pile of books, a shadow you barely noticed at all. But they never looked at you. They never spoke. And they were always gone in the blink of an eye, leaving you alone with them...

Rose babbling on, Bello not saying a word.

It all seemed so odd!

But you still smiled, glancing over your shoulder to look at the headmaster as Rose continued to talk about the school.

"I just know you'll fit right in." He said in his almost whispering voice. "Things are a little dull right now but once the school year starts up, things will be all aglow. I think that you'll see that Grey Stone Academy is certainly the place you belong."

"Is it?" You asked.

They both stopped and looked at you. Rose's almost watery eyes gazed at you and Bello's cold eyes glared glared, making your voice falter a little bit.

"I mean, why was I chosen? Surely there were more...fitting applicants."

"Oh, no," Rose said quickly, shaking his head, "not at all. While there were many worthy applicants, we knew right away that you were the most fitting for the job. Please don't doubt yourself, Miss Y/N, I just know you are perfect for our school."

"I am?"


Headmaster Bello had finally spoken up. His voice was deep and dark, almost silky sounding...and somehow it made you shiver.

The way he looked at you, black eyes burning into your own.

It was as though you were a strange little thing that he had stumbled open, something pretty and fun to play with.

The way he spoke, his voice like darkness and cold.

There was something almost frightening about it. About him. A cold feeling rolled in your stomach as the headmaster spoke.

"We don't make mistakes at Grey Stone." He said sternly, almost as though he was scolding you. "We have our own system and our own reasons for choosing you. And I can assure you, our system is flawless. There is no need to doubt that."

And with that, Bello walked forward quickly.

Mister Rose gave you a little smile, like he was both nervous and embarrassed, and urged you forward. He lead you briskly through the dark halls, walking through the shadows and flickering lights. Stopping at a small black door, the headmaster set down your suitcase and produced an ornate silver key from his coat pocket, which he then handed to you.

"This is the teacher's common room." He said. "I advise you to get acquainted with everyone, since you'll all be living and working together. The key unlocks your quarters, everything you sent is already inside."

A quick nod to Mister Rose and the two were walking into the dark together.

For a moment, you watched them go. But as you turned away, you heard the headmaster called once more over his shoulder.

"Welcome to Grey Stone, Miss Y/N."

(A new teacher arrives at the Academy! Once my requests are open, please send Miss Y/N into the path of the yandere faculty members...I'm sure they are just dying to meet this precious little darling!!)

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