The New Student // Grey Stone Academy.

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 It was an absolute nightmare.

When your parents had sat you down and told you they were getting divorced, you were understandably upset. When your father told you that he was getting remarried after only six months, you were angry. And when your step-mother told you that you were being sent away to boarding school, you were absolutely furious.

And were certain that you'd be utterly miserable.

Having been sent away from everything you had ever known, all of your friends and your family, the future seemed as bleak and cold as the school itself.

It seemed like the end of your world!

As the bus rumbled along the mountain path, you could only sit in silence and stare out the window. There was no one else on the dark blue vehicle but you and the driver. When you had stepped onto the bus, the older woman driving it had given you the most pitiful look, as though you were a lost little puppy about to be sent to Cruella Deville's door.

It was certainly a fitting description.

Through the falling rain and the dark ceder trees, a foggy image began to a slowly appear before you, coming closer and closer with every beat. Grey Stone. The academy loomed out of the shadows, the sight of it making your stomach turn.

This was it.

This was your future.

Stepping out into the rain, you lugged your things through the mud as the bus rumbled away, going a little faster then it had before, as though the lone driver couldn't wait to get away. Blinking red lights vanished into the fog, leaving you alone as you stumbled up the wet staircase and towards the heavy door, nearly slipping several times. But before you could reach them yourself, the doors opened and light flooded the rain.

A figure loomed over you, his shadow pouring through the light.

Before you was a young Asian kid with neat hair and glimmering black eyes. He stood in the light, looking down at your shivering form with a cold sort of smile.

"Y/N L/N?" He asked.

The young man stepped forward, dark eyes gazing as he helped you pull everything inside.

"My name is Hisashi. As your class president, I was asked to show you to your dorm and explain a few things to you."

And with that, he walked away, motioning for you to follow.

"Everything is pretty quiet right now." Hisashi said. "Most of the students are still coming in so classes haven't yet started. You have some time to meet everybody and get settled. I would advise you to pick your extracurricular activities in advanced, as well as a few special classes."

"Special classes?"

"We all take things like math, english, and science, the basic education system; but Grey Stone offers others too. Try to find something you're interested in."

As you walked, a few students passed you by, some glancing at you both as you hurried after Hisashi.

A boy with fire red hair argued with a black boy, both of them glancing at you at you with interest as you passed by. A small, almost pixie like girl, gave you a little wave and a big smile. Other then that, there very few students lingered in the halls. Most were in their dorms, doors were wide open and revealed decorated rooms and many others.

But there was something was strange about...

"Y/N?" Hisashi snapped, yanking you out of your own mind. "Please pay attention. I don't repeat myself."

Yandere x Reader Story // Grey Stone Academy.Where stories live. Discover now