The Maid // Grey Stone Academy.

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 It was your only option.

Times had been tough for a while...and then they had been tougher. For months now, you had been applying to any and every job you could find, only to be turned away every single time. Until you applied to Grey Stone Academy.

You were desperate when you sent the application.

But by some miracle, you had been given a job and even though you would only be a maid, you were more then thankful for this.

It seemed decent enough.

The pay was good and, even better, you would be allowed to live on campus with the other staff. With the money you saved, you could make enough to pay off your debts and get back on your feet, enough to start over. Maybe, you thought, enough to do better this time. The thought of it was enough to make you accept the job.

It had been a long and tiring journey through the dark mountains and a wild storm. Flashes of lightning were the only light to lead you through the winding roads, your junky old car fumbling along through the wind and rain.

Lightning streaked across the sky, revealing something before you:

Tall walls and towers made of dark stone, hidden in the heart of the mountain. The sight of the castle made your heart flip in your chest, blood rushing through your veins. You were scared, so scared, and you wanted to turn around. To drive away and never come back.

But you couldn't.

You needed this job.

So you kept driving, forcing the fear down until you couldn't feel it anymore. They'd told you in advance not to use the main gate, sending you a map of the grounds and entry ways the cleaning staff was meant to use. Swallowing the insult, you made your way to a little driveway. Stopping at a little gate, the car window rolled down and a shadowy figure stepped forward.

There in the dim light and cold rain was a frightening looking man, his face twisted into a cold gaze. Behind him was an equally scary woman who grinned at you over his shoulder. The name Basta was engraved on a silver badge.


"Y/N L/N. I'm supposed to start working here...I'm a maid."

"Please step out of the vehicle. I need to search the car as my friend here searches you."

Biting back your protests, you stepped out into the rain. Basta rooted through your things as the woman told you to lean on the car and stand still. Her cold hands ran along your body in a pat down, lingering, you noticed, a little too long in certain areas. Before you could snap something nasty at her, she moved away and grinned at you again.

"Sorry for the inconvenience, sweetheart." She sneered.

They sent you on your way.

Rushing through the rain, you managed to lug your bags inside of a small door, quickly shutting out the cold.

"Miss L/N, I presume?"

A woman stepped forward, almost comically tiny when compared to the two giants outside. She had a neat appearance, with not a thread or blonde hair out of place, deep brown eyes, and a cool smile. Stepping forward, she took your hand in her own.

"I am Amelia Zimmerman. We spoke on the phone regarding your work."

"Oh." You said. "Oh, yes, of course. It's nice to officially meet you."

"I'm sure." She replied curtly. "Please follow me to your quarters. I'll explain everything you'll need to know on the way."

Down the dark halls you went, her heels clicking and your wet sneakers thumping against the cold stones. For someone so small, Amelia was rather quick, bustling through the empty hall with a speedy purpose as you followed behind.

"As I said before, your housing is taken care of. We cleaning staff live in the lower west quarters of the castle. I think you'll find it accommodating."

She turned quickly up a set of stairs.

"As a newer member, you'll receive a three weeks of training at first. During this time, you will study the rules we are all expected to follow and your trainer will decide the right place for you among the other staff members."

The dark stairway melted into a gloomy hall, doors and circular windows lining the walls.

"We wear uniforms. Neat appearances are expected." She said. "We work five days a week, rotating so everyone gets their time off. Here we are..."

Amelia stopped at a door, unlocking it with a key which she then handed to you. Entering the tiny room, you observed a bed, wardrobe, table and chair already set up inside. A half open door revealed a cramped bathroom.

"One last thing," she said. "To survive at the Academy, a few things will be expected of you. To your job and do it well. Follow the rules. Keep out of sight. And above all...know your place."

"My place?"

Amelia smiled, ruby red lips gleaming brightly.

"You'll understand in due time. For now, you should get settled and take a moment to rest. I'll send someone up with dinner. Welcome to Grey Stone Academy."

Flouncing out of the room, Amelia closed the door with a loud click and left you alone.

Sitting down on the bed, you flopped onto the mattress with a loud sigh. This was it. This was your future. It wasn't much was a job. And that was all you needed for now. Though the folks you had met so far had been a little bit strange, you were certain that you wouldn't see too much of any of them.

It wasn't home. But for now, it was what you needed.

Looking about the plain little room, it was then that you noticed something else. A stone in the gray wall that looked a little bit loose, laying crooked among the others. It was so small and in such a dark corner that you had nearly missed it...

Unable to bit back your curiously, you crept to the little corner and pulled the stone loose from the wall, leaning low to look inside the hole.

Crammed in the back was a blue notebook, bent and dirty from where it had lain hidden for who knows how long, and a torn up scrap of paper. Dirt and dust fell and you pulled both items out, coughing softly as you did. The note fell to the floor, it's message scrawled in smeared black ink. The messy letters made you freeze, reading it over and over.

"Miss Y/N?"

You jumped, grabbing the paper and book and tossing them both onto the bed.

The door opened to reveal another maid, an older woman who nodded at you as she handed you a dinner tray before leaving.

But you didn't feel much like eating.

Your stomach twisted with once forgotten fear, sick and cold. Looking back at your bed, you picked up the note and read those words once more.

It wasn't a silly love note or a riddle.

It wasn't something sweet.

Scrawled upon the dirty scrap of paper was a warning, written in shaky hand and smeared black ink and hidden away.

"Get out while you still can."

(Just who left that note? And what's inside of the diary? Will Y/N listen to the warning? Perhaps...but the yanderes of Grey Stone Academy will not willingly let this pretty little maid leave just yet! Not when they have so many plans in store for her!!)

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