Grey Stone Academy // Upper Level Students.

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 The Upper Level Students of Grey Stone Academy enjoy just a little bit more freedom the other students. The dorms that they reside in are co-ed, uniforms are not needed in classes (though students are still expected to dress smartly in class and especially during school functions such as parties and balls), and students are occasionally allowed off campus. But all other rules are still to be followed completely. With extra freedom comes extra responsibilities in studios, as these final years are preparing the students for the real world.

Mysterious. Wilhelm Grimm, 18. A young man who hides in the shadows with rumors swirling all around him, Wilhelm has always been somewhat of a mystery to the rest of the school. Ashamed of his disfigured face and body, Wilhelm prefers to hide away in the shadows of the school and keeps to himself. He ever speaks. He is never seen. But he is always there, where others cannot see him, and he is always watching.

And he prefers to watch you.

It was obsession at first sight. Meeting you was like a ray of light in his dark life, the first taste of sunshine he'd had in so many years. It was beautiful. You are beautiful. And from that moment on, he is devoted to you, watching over you from afar. He leaves little gifts for you, creates shrines devoted to your beauty, and dreams of the day that he will make you his!

Appearance: German, with long tangled dark hair that hangs down to his shoulder blades and bright purple eyes, framed by long lashes. His skin is pale and perfect...except for the scars on the left side of his body. Burned by the fire that killed his family, Wilhelm has burn scars on his face, neck, arm, and chest, creeping down to mid thigh. Even years later, they still hurt. He prefers to wear dark colors and loose clothes.

Yandere Type: Delusional. Some part of Wilhelm believes that you are not only aware of his feelings but that you return them completely. The way you walk, the little looks, colors you wear, any little detail. He truly believes that the two of you are in love and that when he comes for you, everything will be perfect. A happily ever after of sorts. He will never be cold or cruel, he will never so much as lay a finger on you...but he will take you away eventually, by force if you will not come willingly.

Faction: Music (he plays the piano and composes his own music, often described as hauntingly beautiful).

Details: Wilhelm only wishes to protect his darling. He firmly believes that his place in life is by your side, taking care of you and loving you forever and ever. Filled with misery and self hatred, you are the only thing that really brings him any joy. So, despite the shame it brings him, Wilhelm is unwilling to let you go.

His perfect darling is gentle and kindhearted. Someone soft and sweet, who can love him as he is. A sweet little darlings who can look past his misdeeds and love him still, even if he is horrible. He will try to earn your love slowly, dreaming of the day that you accept him.

If you only let him...he can be quite passionate. Wilhelm will devote himself to your pleasure, slow and sweet and almost torturous. He wants you to be beneath him, naked and slick, as he makes love to you. Hours upon hours will pass with him putting your pleasure before his own, until you are weeping and trembling beneath him.

He only wants to make you happy...and his. Wilhelm wishes desperately for you to belong to him and only him. He's actually got a bad jealous streak and hates for you to be around most people...if you get too close to another, an "accident" or two may occur.

Scholarship Student. Bai Zhang, 19. After years of fighting and working for everything that he has, Bai is determined to create his perfect life. Perfect job, perfect house, perfect everything. In truth, all he really wants is to be very happy. And is that really so bad? He certainly doesn't think so. For the most part, Bai keeps to himself, ignoring everything and everyone...

Yandere x Reader Story // Grey Stone Academy.Where stories live. Discover now