May the Best Man Win // Yandere Reactions.

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 How would Itsuki, Ellis, and Hans handle having eyes for the same university darling?

To put it would be a nightmare.

It isn't entirely uncommon for yanderes to share darlings at Grey Stone. Sure, it isn't really the norm, but it does happen often enough. But it most certainly will NOT be be happening in this situation. Sadly, this little darling has been caught between three very terrible yanderes. They do not believe that sharing is caring. They are more then willing to do what it takes to claim you as their own.

A nightmare has come to life and you are trapped within it, unable to escape from it until one of them claim you.

Itsuki does not want to share you with either of them, seeing them both as lesser yanderes compared to himself. He's a selfish little creature and sharing you with anyone would simply get in the way of all of his carefully constructed it's not happening.

He'll make sure of that.

The cold hearted professor is a very quiet yandere, the kind that creeps up upon you before you even know it, never so much as seeing or hearing him as he stalks you from the shadows. Normally, this can be used to his advantage, but both Ellis and Hans are quite like him in this regard, leaving Itsuki at odds with them.

He wants you.

He has to have you.

So he's going to play dirty. He'll use every dirty trick in the book, no matter how shameful and terrible they may be. There are quite a few chemicals and serums that he can use to his advantage too, his intelligence and scientific knowledge giving him an edge in the battle for your heart. Late nights will be spent in his laboratory, concocting something sweet just for you! Perhaps a something to make you sleep so that he might sneak in and sneak you away...or an aphrodisiac to make you a little more willing to his touch.

There are many weapons in his arsenal and he's willing to use them all.

All he will need is that one moment. The one moment when no is looking and you are not paying attention, just so the professor can slip something into your drink or stick you with a sliver needle, hushing your frightened cries as he does so.

"Don't cry, darling...the true pain hasn't even begun yet."

Pain is all you will have if Itsuki wins the battle. His plans for you are meticulous and cruel, each nightmare worse then the last.

Itsuki's reaction is cold, carefully so. He'll be quick and quiet in his attack, so much so that neither you nor the others might notice him. If Itsuki is the one to claim you, your training will begin at once. He will turn you into the most perfect experiment, pushing you farther and farther into the nightmare your world has become...

Ellis is terrified of what might happen to you. After all, Itsuki and Hans are both quite terrible as far as yanderes go!

Of course, he's no walk in the park himself, but he certainly is the sweeter of the three. In his romantic mind, Ellis is so certain that you are going to choose him. Of course you will choose him! He's the most loving, the most gentle, he could make you the happiest! Those other brutes don't love you, you'll see that soon enough.

But...what if you don't?

What if you don't choose him?

The very thought of it terrifies him! Believing that he alone can save you, Ellis is willing to go to some very dark places within himself.

Putting on the romantic and protective charm, he will expose the other two for what they are all while painting himself as your hero. Of course, with the way Itsuki and Hans are acting, it won't take very much to make you believe him, will it? With the both of them creeping closer and closer, you'll just run to Ellis for protection! And it's so perfect! You'll be his darling and he'll be your prince charming...until he isn't.

After all, it won't be too long before his true colors start to show.

Once you run away and settle down together, the mask will fall. Protectiveness turns to clingy and clingy turn to downright crazy. He won't let you talk to anyone, he won't let you out of the house, he starts obsessing about the "others" taking you away from him, panicking and freaking out.

"I can't lose you!! I can't lose you!!"

Maybe you'll see him for what he is.

Maybe you won't.

But it doesn't matter if you see the truth or believe in his lies because no matter belong to Ellis now. If you start to behave badly, well, he'll just save to love you even more! And his love will be smothering, so sweet that it makes you choke. In time, you might just have to choke it down and be a "good little darling".

Ellis's reaction is so sweet...on the surface. He can be such a charming man and it wouldn't be hard for him to win you over. Far more manipulative and clever then the other two are expecting, he might just be able to spirit you away before they even known it.

Hans wants to keep you for himself. For a moment, he might consider sharing you...but that idea quickly goes out the window.

He's a greedy little creature, vicious and mean, and he wants you all for himself. Being the younger of the three, Hans knows that he is the least experienced as a yandere and that he may be at a slight disadvantage here...

But that's not going to stop him at all.

In fact, it will only encourage him!

The idea that he could be the one to take you, defeating all others just to claim you as his's delicious. Hans has a natural competitive side, a need to prove to all others how much better he is then them. So he'll take to challenge well, already planning out the right moves to take you and claim you as his own.

He wants to beat the others at their own game.

He wants to be the one to have you forever and ever.

So he's going to do whatever it takes. Recognizing that he's facing off against two older, more experienced yanderes, Hans is going to create a simple and perfect plan: He's going to take you. No games. No tricks.

Hans will simply wait for the right moment and snatch you up, like the wolf gobbling up Little Red Riding Hood.

It will be more then shocking to the others, who certainly didn't expect him to be so bold...and it will be terrifying to you. He won't waste time being sweet or gentle, aiming to break you down quickly and make you into a willing darling. Then no else can have one else can ever take you. And you will be his.

Han's reaction is a cruel one, something he is particularly proud of. If he manages to win the game and beat the others, he'll be smug about it his entire life. You won't be just Y/N anymore. You will be his darling, his trophy, his greatest achievement.

Eventually, someone is going to have to win.

It's all a game of chance really. Who will make the first move? Who will attack? And what will become of the poor little darling?

Will you choose to be Itsuki's experiment?

Will you follow Hans' rules?

Or will you run away with Ellis?

Whoever you choose...or whoever gets you first...will have the pleasure of calling you their darling. The pleasure of using you in any way that they want. Will you run to one of them for some supposed safety? Of will you run away from them all, devolving into a terrifying game of hide and seek...

(I know that I haven't written in a little bit, but I was in need of a little break. I'm back now and I'm ready for a little yandere love!!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2020 ⏰

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