Tell Me the Truth // Yandere Reactions.

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 How would Headmaster Bello and Vice Headmaster Rose react to their darling confronting them about the former maid's note?

Akachi is almost amused. Almost.

For the past few months, the headmaster's interest in you has been slowly growing. After all, you are a pretty little darling, aren't you? You piqued his interest the very day you entered his chambers, wearing that tight little uniform and carrying his coffee.

He liked you, quite a lot actually.

He liked playing this little game with you.

The way you never met his cold gaze, oh, you were so afraid of him... and how he liked to frighten you! Surprising you in the dark halls, his deep voice making you shiver. Accidentally stealing little touches, cold hands dragging down the small of your back. He'd had so much fun playing with you!!

But of course his fun had to come to a halt.

Glaring down at the scrap of paper, Akachi recalled the former maid as much as he could. He'd never known the girl's name (it was Amelia's job to aquatint herself with the staff, not his) but he certainly remembered the scene she'd made that fateful night. The shrieking and crying, tearing apart his school like an animal! It had been a disaster! Utterly humiliating!! Anger pumped through his veins as Akachi read the note.

"Get out while you still can."

And then he smiled. You looked at him, finally meeting his gaze and shaking a little as the headmaster rose carefully to his feet.

He knew that he had to handle this delicately. Darlings could get so emotional at times and, well, he certainly didn't want a repeat of last time.

"Well?" You questioned. "Are you going to explain it?"

Of course he was. At least, he's going to tell you only what he thinks you need to know. As far as Akachi is concerned, darlings do not need to know everything about their world. It's better to keep them stupid and weak. But he wants to keep you around and keep playing with he will give you something.

"The young lady who wrote this worked here for three years, nearly four." he replied calmly. "About eight months before her termination, she began to display...odd behavior. Paranoia. Nightmares and hallucinations."

Walking around the desk, he came to stand over you.

He was a little too close, his smile a little too wolf-like...but you were too scared to move away.

"She was mentally unwell. After suffering a rather public breakdown one day, we contacted her family and had her sent home. From the last I heard, she was still in a mental facility."

He smiles once more, looking down at you.

Do you believe him? Do you trust him? Probably not...but Akachi is a wonderful liar. He spoke with such confidence, such ease, that you cannot help but ponder if he might be telling the truth. It makes sense, doesn't it? The ramblings of a crazed woman, that's all it was...wasn't it? Reaching out, the headmaster takes your hand in his own.

"I deeply apologize, Y/N." He murmurs. "I didn't realize that she'd left anything behind. You must have been quite frightened."

You certainly were now.

Frozen in place, you looked at him with wide eyes. So small and a little rabbit. The sweet rabbit and the terrible wolf! Just the thought of it made him grin! He could just imagine chasing you through the dark and pining you down, taking whatever he wanted from you...oh, how darkly delicious!

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