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The five had gotten back to the Institute, Wren hoping that the three Shadowhunters were already coming up with a plan to help Simon. But in all honesty, the blonde wouldn't have been surprised if they just let him die. None of them really seemed to like him, except maybe Isabelle. And although they claimed that Shadowhunters help and protect humans, Wren couldn't really see either three wanting to help him.

"I still don't understand. How can Shadowhunters be better than than what you people call mundanes?" Clary asked the three Shadowhunters. "Because we protect humans," Isabelle replied, causing Wren to scoff. The brunette looked over at her. "You're right. Humans. You protect humans. You left Simon all alone in the van. Great job, guys. You rock," Clary continued.

"There is some truth to the idea that human beings should have a modicum of common sense," Alec said. "Unbelievable," Wren muttered in disbelief. Simon had just gotten kidnapped by a bunch of vampires and Alec was still being a dick. No surprise there.

"Alec, not now," Isabelle told her brother, giving him a look. "Look, they won't do anything to Simon. They just wanted to draw you out. They want the Cup, and they think you have it," Jace tried to reassure. "But why do they think that? Why does anyone think that? What, my mom lies to me my entire life except, 'Oh, by the way, there's this magic cup, I hid on, like, the planet Bongo, but don't tell anyone.' What am I supposed to do now?" The redhead said.

"We have to report to the Clave," Alec said as he began walking again. "Great," Jace muttered. "They have to know what we've learned about Valentine," Alec continued. "What, that he's my father? Great. Fine. Tell them. What good does that do Simon?" Clary asked.

"Clary, it's all connected. The vamps want the Cup," Jace said. "Yeah but why?" Wren asked. "It makes new Shadowhunters," Clary continued. "Nobody wants Valentine forming an army loyal to himself," Alec explained. "Plus, it controls demons," Isabelle said. "They'll propose a trade. Simon for the Cup," the blond boy continued.

"So, vampires will trade Simon for the Cup and Valentine will trade my mother for the Cup. Either way, I lose someone I love. What if I just toss it up in the air and let them fight it out among themselves?" Clary said, adding the last sentence as a joke. At least if you read it, it would seem like a joke. However the way Clary said it, she almost sounded serious.

"So this doesn't matter to you?" Alec asked. Wren rolled her eyes at him and at this point, she could see why Clary was so angry as she spoke her next words. "Yes, of course, it matters!" She exclaimed. It was silent among the five for a brief moment. "Listen when you saved my life I put my trust in you. Now, I need you to put your trust in me. I can't turn into what you are overnight," she said more calmly.

𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐒, shadowhuntersWhere stories live. Discover now