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3. The Warrior

Alaric looked down at Zandra lying lifeless on the couch in his apartment. He would have taken her to the hospital but everyone was worried because she had started to heal without vampire blood so they brought her home instead. He refused to allow Damon and Stefan entrance and Elena refused to come in without them. It angered Alaric because it was like the girl forgot that she had a sister who was hurt because of Damon. Tyler had come with him and so had Caroline whom he had to invite in. The blonde refused to be near either Salvatore brother because of what they had done to her and Zandra.

Alaric let the tears fall not caring who saw because his little girl was hurt and he wasn't able to protect her. That was his job, protecting Zandra was his job and he failed all because he trusted the Salvatore brothers, never again was that happening. Caroline he could trust because the new vampire had lovingly cleaned Zandra up and cried afterwards. She was so distraught that she had curled up against the wall refusing to move. Tyler sat in the chair never moving his eyes off of Zandra's form. Alaric sat down on the floor right next to the couch and closed his eyes not caring to get rid of the tears as he laid his head on Zandra's stomach and squeezed her hands into his praying for her to wake up.

~Zandra Saltzman~

Tyler couldn't believe what had happened tonight. Life had been going good one minute and the next Caroline was a vampire and Damon had stabbed Zandra who had stepped in front of Caroline. His best friend was hurt and no one but the three people in this room wanted to do anything about it. It was like the Salvatore brothers were held above everyone else and couldn't take the blame for their actions and it wasn't right. Mason had explained to him about pack and said that from the way he talked Zandra was his pack not his mate like the older man had first assumed and his pack was hurt. Tyler could feel something inside him pushing to come out but it was locked away and he knew it was his wolf, the wolf that wanted to hurt the person responsible for hurting his pack.

~Zandra Saltzman~

The pain was gone from where she had been standing and Zandra looked around wondering if she was dead or not. The last thing she remembered happening was Damon coming at Caroline with a stake and she stepped in front of her blonde friend. This had to mean that she was dead because there was no other explanation.

"You are not dead my dear," a voice said.

Zandra turned around to see a woman in older clothing from around a few hundred years ago standing there. She had long blonde hair and there was a sense of power around her which meant she was probably a witch of some kind.

"My name is Esther and the story I have to tell you affects you greatly," she said.

"So talk," Zandra said curious.

A thousand years ago my family and I came to the new world and settled into what is now known as Mystic Falls but we were not the first people settled there. Families, wolves settled in the land and so we shared with them, hiding away in caves during the full moon. My husband was a cruel man and so I found comfort in another. I already had two sons and another who died before I could hold him. I always suspected that my son Niklaus was not Mikael's like Elijah and Finn were but I was afraid to say anything. I think in some way Mikael knew that Niklaus was not his because he took every opportune moment to beat him," she said stopping for a minute.

"Why didn't you stop it?" she asked and Zandra knew that Esther could hear the judgement in her voice.

"Back then my dear it was not like it is now. You obeyed your husband no matter what. In today's world that isn't the case. My son Elijah always did his best to help Niklaus and so did my daughter Rebekah. I am ashamed to say that I never did and I would continue to obey him. One night during the full moon my sons Niklaus and Henrik went out into the woods. Niklaus only went because he had realized that Henrik snuck out and it ended in tragedy. The death of my son Henrik changed everything as I tried to find a way to protect my family from the wolves. And so the Original vampires were born, my children. When my son Niklaus made his first kill my betrayal was discovered and he became a hybrid but I obeyed my husband once again and bound his wolf side. After that Niklaus never forgave me and he ripped my heart out," she finished.

"No offense lady I can't say that I blame him," Zandra said.

"I know child. The Powers That Be did not like what I had done but they saw that if they changed it that the world would be a worse off place so instead they created something new. They created a Warrior. The Warrior would have all the strengths of a vampire, witch, and a werewolf but none of their weaknesses. She would still essentially be human but harder to kill and if she ever turned into a vampire then like my children only the White Oak would be able to kill her but she would also still be different. She would be able to bear children with her mate and she would still have the strengths of a werewolf and a witch. None of the Warriors made it to being a vampire child because they were killed. My husband Mikael somehow found out about the Warrior and ever since he has killed off each of them until you but he is rising to power once again," she warned.

"I don't want to die," Zandra said.

"I know dear and I do not want you to either. My sons Elijah and Klaus can help you but for Mikael to be defeated Klaus must break his curse and to do that he needs to sacrifice a vampire, a werewolf, and the doppelganger," Esther told her.

"I may hate my sister but I don't want her dead," Zandra argued because it was true.

"I know my dear that is why there is a clause. A doppelganger who willingly sacrifices her life comes back human and her blood is used to transition newly turned hybrids," Esther informed her.

"Okay so I'll leave town and wait for them to figure it out," Zandra said crossing her arms.

"Strange," Esther said narrowing her eyes.

"I will help them but I'm tired of Elena getting everything she wants so I want to see how long it takes them to figure out that she's a stupid bitch and I want to be appreciated a little. I mean if I'm the Warrior that means I'm pretty important," Zandra argued feeling like she was getting scolded.

"You will make a good mate for my son Elijah indeed," she said.

Zandra opened her mouth in shock and went to say something when Esther disappeared. She heard voices and felt a weight on her body. Zandra opened her eyes to chaos.

Zandra Saltzman: Destiny (Vampire Diaries/Elijah Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now