Zandra Loses It

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Zandra woke up slowly and reached her hand over but came up empty. She sat up looking around and sighed when she didn't feel or see Elijah. Standing up she started to walk to the closet when she saw a nite on the bedside table.

Sorry I had to leave but unfortunately my brother was being a prat


Zandra smiled feeling relieved that Elijah hadn't just left. She laughed at the irony of them both having a sibling that were idiotic assholes who needed a good smacking. She grabbed two towels and took them with her into the bathroom. Right now she was going to take a shower and then get started on getting the supernatural world straightened though not everything was that easy.

An hour later Zandra had her hair braided to one side and put on a pair of brown skinny jeans with flowers all over them, ankle boots, a brown tank top and a tan cardigan. She arrived at the Salvatore Boarding House and walked inside scowling when Elena had ran out before she could say anything. Zandra groaned in annoyance when she walked into the meeting room so to speak and saw Bonnie sitting down with her arms crossed.

"What happened that had Elena running out of here in a hurry?" Zandra asked.

"I told her that the Salvatore brothers weren't perfect and that she needed to realize it," Bonnie said looked at her.

"The things my sister needs to realize are about a few hundred miles long," Zandra said rolling her eyes and walking over to the collection of alcohol.

"What about me?" Bonnie asked.

"You want the truth or a bullshit lie," Zandra asked back.

"The truth," Bonnie answered honestly.

"I love you and your my friend but there are two things I have a problem with pertaining to you. The first one is my sister. You let Elena walk all over you and control you like you don't have a say so. You're allowed to tell her no Bonnie and you don't have to do everything she says. She is not the queen of anything and she sure as hell doesn't have the right to judge anyone either. My second is that you can be judgmental. Caroline became a vampire, forced into it by Katherine because of Elena and instead of being there for her you turn your back on her all because you're a witch and she's a vampire. Not everything is black and white Bonnie. You think I was created because everything was black and white. I was created because things are more complicated than this person's a vampire, this one's a werewolf, oh and here's witch as well. Shit happens and supernatural creatures are exactly like humans, imperfect beings and the sooner you grow up and realize it the better. I mean Caroline and Tyler are two different beings, one's a vampire, and one's a werewolf but they get along. Yeah they fight a little more than might be normal but for the most part they get along despite their differences. I met a witch in Germany who despite being a servant of nature doesn't see things the way you do Bonnie. I love you but you have to stop being judgmental before you lose everyone you care about," Zandra told her matter of factly.

"You really don't beat around the bush," Bonnie said tears in her eyes.

"You asked for the truth and you got it," Zandra stated taking a drink of her scotch.

"Damon and Stefan are the reason that my Grams is dead," Bonnie tried to explain.

"Bonnie I know it's hard losing someone you love like that but no one forced your grams to do anything and no one forced you. Both of you could have fought back instead you did for Elena and you suffered the consequences," Zandra explained.

"You're cruel," Bonnie shook her head.

"You know what if you or your allies need anything you can do it yourself. I'm not going to bother to help people who don't want to listen to the truth," Zandra said grabbing her bag and walking out not knowing that two certain Originals heard the entire conversation.

~Zandra Saltzman~

Zandra walked into the Grill and took a seat at the bar. The perks of being the Warrior was that she could use every supernatural creature powers but had none of their weaknesses. Using compulsion she was handed a bottle of scotch and a glass. Normally Zandra didn't drink but for some reason certain people had that effect on her and it seemed that the Salvatore brothers, her own sister, and a certain Bennett witch caused her to want to drink.

"I don't think my brother would approve," a voice said.

"I may be with your brother but he doesn't control me and I've had enough of annoying people to last a lifetime so if you could please shut up it would be appreciated," Zandra said to Klaus as he sat down next to her.

"Feisty I'm surprised you're not too much for Elijah what with the noble man that he is," Klaus stated smirking.

"Brother stop your antics please," another voice said.

Zandra smiled happy to see Elijah and looked over to on her other side to see Elijah looking at Klaus with disapproval. She really hoped that he didn't turn that on her because she could not deal right now.

"I want my curse broken and this girl seems to be the one that can help so no brother I won't," Klaus said his smirk disappearing.

"Both of you shut the fuck up!" Zandra yelled at them both before continuing, "My sister is the doppelganger who unfortunately is living up to be another Katherine. She whines, she judges and she doesn't care what happens to her own sister who would have died if she hadn't been the fucking Warrior. My mother was forced to turn into a vampire and turn her emotions off by Katherine for precious Elena, my father is a vampire hunter who is pretty much the only stability I have had for ten years, my best friend is a vampire who was forced into it by you've guessed it Katherine and my other best friend is a werewolf whose father was murdered by John Gilbert who knew about the Lockwood curse but the Mayor, also known as Tyler's father, didn't. Add onto the fact that I'm the Warrior, a supernatural peacekeeper my life is sunshine and daisies. Grow up Klaus life isn't fair and life sucks but it goes on and somehow someway we have to deal."

"Well said Alexzandra," a voice said behind her and she froze.

Slowly Zandra turned and came face to face with her mother, Isobel Fleming. The last time she had saw Isobel had been a couple of months ago when she came for Elena so seeing her now with her emotions still turned off made her feel many things. Isobel being here right now wasn't good which meant that life for Zandra was about to get that much more interesting.

Zandra Saltzman: Destiny (Vampire Diaries/Elijah Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora