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Zandra raced through the trees towards the cabin laughing as Tyler raced to follow her in his wolf form. They had discovered early on that Zandra was able to calm the wolf enough that Tyler was able to keep his senses in the animal form so he didn't need to be chained up. It had been a month after they had left and all of them were doing good. Alaric had gotten a job at Frankfurt University teaching History, Caroline was a student there along with Zandra and Tyler. Caroline learned to control her urges with blood, Tyler learned to control his wolf as well as his temper and Zandra she learned to control all that went along with being The Warrior. Ghosts of those that have passed came to her to try to help but all they could do was help her control her gifts not give her answers.

Zandra was taken out of her musings when Tyler's wolf jumped tackling her and she laughed when barked at her. She rolled out and stood up running towards the house again. The cabin was empty though that was more to do with plans that Caroline had made with some new people she had met and Alaric wanting to drink at a bar. Tyler followed her inside and rolled his eyes at her when he saw her run upstairs to take a shower so instead the wolf curled up in a ball on the floor.

~Zandra Saltzman~

Zandra woke up from her place on the couch and saw that Tyler had disappeared sometime in the early morning to get dressed. She got up and walked into the kitchen smiling when she saw her father sitting at the counter with a cup of coffee while Caroline sat next to him with a blood bag and Tyler was standing cooking. She went to go make a cup for herself when Caroline sped in front of her already holding one out and Zandra smiled in thanks at her. Everybody knew that her and her father were exactly the same in the sense that they were not sociable creatures until they had coffee. She had only been sitting down for a little bit when she heard her phone ring from where she had set it down on the counter yesterday. Zandra got up to answer and frowned when she saw it was Elena.

"What do you want Elena?" Zandra asked upon answering.

"I need help," Elena said.

"Of course the great Elena gets herself into yet another mess and calls her sister to clean it up," Zandra stated annoyed with her sister because she was tired of the bullshit that came with Elena.

"I need help making a deal to be the sacrifice for Klaus," Elena said, "And I'm sorry for everything. I know it doesn't make up for anything but I thought you should know."

"You're right it doesn't make up for anything but I'll come and help you," Zandra stated with a sigh.

"What about Caroline?" Elena asked.

"That's up to them but if I had it my way neither of them would step foot in that town until I knew they were safe because unlike you Elena, the girl who didn't even want to save her supposed best friend, I care about my friends and family," Zandra growled out hanging up before Elena could say anything to upset her even more.

"Well there goes the good mood of the day," Caroline said.

"I don't want you guys coming with me. I won't stop you if you want to but I really don't. I need you guys safe and I can't focus if you're not," Zandra said turning around and looking at them.

"How about this? You go alone but if we don't hear from you in a week about an update of the situation then we come," Alaric suggested.

Zandra watched as her two friends processed that and it looked like it took a minute before they were shaking their heads in agreement knowing that the young woman wouldn't have it any other way. For the next couple of hours she packed while her father arranged a flight for her and also arranged for her to have a rental car knowing that she didn't want to depend on anyone else. Zandra sighed as her father drove her to the airport praying that Elena listened to reason now though that wasn't likely, it was the reason she waited so long to do this because she wanted Elena to learn, and that bitch better have learned otherwise Zandra was going to be pissed as hell and Mystic Falls did not want that.

~Zandra Saltzman~

Elena sighed as she sat down in the Salvatore Boarding House waiting for Zandra to arrive here. When the girl had left a month ago Elena didn't want to believe what her sister had said about her but looking at it now she realized that her little sister was right, she was selfish and a Katherine 2.0. Upon realizing Elena hadn't really cared but then this mess with Klaus had happened and Bonnie wouldn't talk to her because she had lost her magic since the spirits were upset with her at the moment. Elena just hoped that Zandra would be able to fix this because that was all she cared about right now.

~Zandra Saltzman~

Hours later Zandra was in her rental car, a Ford Tundra, parking at the Salvatore Boarding House knowing this was where Elena was. She really didn't want to see her sister because she knew deep down that Elena didn't care to change, she might have realized that what they've been saying was true but she wasn't going to change but no matter how pissed off she was Zandra did not want her sister dead do if that meant she had to deal with the Salvatore brothers then so be it. She walked up to the door and was about to open it when someone beat her to the punch and she saw Stefan.

"Thanks for coming," Stefan greeted stepping aside.

"I'm not here for you," Zandra stated walking passed him but before she could get to the foyer she was stopped by Damon.

"If it isn't the little bitch that I almost killed. I wonder what would happen if I do that again," Damon said smirking.

Zandra smirked coldly at him and flung her arm up letting the stake hidden in her jacket that was soaked with vervain stab Damon in the chest, not the heart though. She twisted his arm until she felt it break and wrapped her other arm around his neck pulling back.

"I'm stronger now Damon, smarter and I've come into my destiny. I suggest you shut up and follow my rules or the next time the stake won't miss your heart," Zandra warned dropping the vampire on the ground and dusting off her jacket.

"Oh brother we must keep her. She is so entertaining and quite hilarious," a voice said.

Surprised Zandra turned and saw that Elena was on one side of the room with Bonnie and on the other by the fire were two men. Looking at them she knew that they were the Original vampires, one of her gifts. One had blonde hair, blue eyes, and a devilish smirk and his aura told her that he was Klaus, the hybrid. The other man was the one that intrigued her the most because she felt this connection to him which didn't make sense because she just met him but then she remembered. Elijah, brown hair, hazel eyes, dressed in a suit nine times out of ten, and was always by his brother, Klaus's side. Standing in front of her was the man Esther had been talking about, Elijah, her mate. Shit just got even more interesting than she had thought.

Zandra Saltzman: Destiny (Vampire Diaries/Elijah Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt