A Death

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Zandra woke up in her bed and at first she was confused but then she remembered everything that happened including her dream. She sat up to see the sun shining through and looked at the clock realizing it was morning which meant that she was pretty much knocked out. Looking down Zandra saw that she was now in a white button down shirt and her panties and she smirked a little. Elijah must have changed her clothes for her and normally she would probably want to start something but right now she had to worry about dealing with the fact that someone close to her was going to die. She stood up and went to the bathroom to take a shower wanting to wash everything off of her. The water was a good relief for her and caused her to relax. She could feel that Elijah was here and sent of wave of reassurance through their bond as she wrapped a towel around her body letting her wet hair hand in curls down her back.

"You had me worried," a voice said scaring her and she gasped as she turned from where she had been looking in the mirror to see Elijah leaning against the bathroom doorway.

"Sorry," she said looking back into the mirror wondering when her eyes had become older than her body.

Elijah had been worried about his mate when she had fell asleep against him so quickly like that and knew that it had to have been supernatural in nature. He changed her and watched over her as she slept so as the make sure nothing happened to this extradinary woman who had been through so much and was dealing with so much in her life. When she had woken up he had wanted to ask her questions but looking at her now he knew that she was too stressed and nobody not even a sixteen year old girl deserved to carry that weight on her shoulders. He walked over until he was standing behind her and picked up the hairbrush lying on the bathroom sink. Elijah pushed until Zandra was flat against the sink, her blue-green eyes closing as he pushed himself against her and he smiled in triumph. The Original then proceeded to brush her hair causing her to relax until she was boneless in his arms. Elijah set the brush down and pushed Zandra's hair over one shoulder leaving the right side of her neck exposed.

"Elijah," Zandra tried to warn not knowing if she was in the mood.

"You need to relax," Elijah stated.

Zandra whimpered when he bit roughly on her earlobe then preceded to sooth it with his tongue. He then moved his way down her neck biting and then soothing each bite with his tongue and it was driving her crazy. Zandra knew that there would be marks but she couldn't find it in her to care because that just meant that she belonged to Elijah. She felt his fingers move around until it slipped under the towel to its prize. Zandra groaned because Elijah was driving her fucking crazy with the way he would bite her neck roughly then sensually sooth the area and it didn't help that he was softly running a finger of her folds instead of just getting to it. Elijah must have felt this because the next thing she then two fingers had entered her and set a brutal pace and all Zandra could do was hold on to the edge of the sink. Elijah then proceeded to add two more fingers and Zandra just thought she would die. It was too much but not enough at the same time and she wanted to come but could feel Elijah didn't want her to just yet.

"Whatever happens you are mine and I will help you," Elijah said.

Zandra wanted to say something but she was so overwhelmed she just couldn't and felt so full but not full enough. Elijah deemed that to be enough because the next thing she knew he was biting into the juncture where shoulder met neck to drink her blood and this caused Zandra to come harder than she had before. Zandra gasped when Elijah removed his fingers but that gasp quickly turned into a whimper when he pinched her clit causing another orgasm to erupt from her. Zandra let go of the counter and felt back into Elijah as her legs felt like jello and the vampire wrapped his arm around his mate. Whatever happen Zandra knew that not only would she have Elijah, he would be right besides her driving her crazy.

~Zandra Saltzman~

Katherine growled in annoyance at that bitch Zandra ruining her plans. At least Isobel was still under her control, that witch was very helpful in making sure the compulsion was effective. She needed Elena dead as well as Klaus dead and same with that bitch Zandra. She smirked because she had ordered Isobel to bring her Zandra today and then the fun would begin and trust that what she had planned would be so much fun.

~Zandra Saltzman~

Zandra was walking down the steps of her apartment when she stepped dead at who she saw at the bottom. Elijah had left earlier to go speak to Klaus so he wasn't going to be any help for her especially with this situation. Isobel was smirking coldly and she hated that because even though her mother may have been a strict parent she was also loving at the same time.

"Zandra we need to talk," Isobel ordered.

"Yeah well I don't feel like talking to you," Zandra said turning away from her.

"Funny how I wasn't asking," Isobel said and the voice sent shivers down her spine.

Before Zandra could say anything her hair was grabbed and her head was smashed against the stairs. That wasn't enough to knock her out but it made her head spin and she tried to get her bearings when Isobel slammed her head once again against the staircase knocking her out completely.

~Zandra Saltzman~

Zandra groaned as she slowly came back to herself. She tried to move her hands only to find she couldn't and looked down to see she was chained to a chair and remembered Isobel knocking her out. She looked around her and found that she was in a cave of some kind and her head was still ringing from having been knocked around. Zandra heard footsteps and looked up to find Isobel and Katherine comes towards her together. She growled wanting to smash Katherine's face in only she couldn't because her head hadn't healed yet which meant she was useless right now.

"How do you like my pet?" Katherine asked smirking.

"I think I want to smash your face in," Zandra said moving her hands to try to get them loose.

"I don't think so," Katherine stated.

Zandra wanted to ask what the hell she meant when Katherine zoomed over and threw the chair down making Zandra fall to her side and smash her head once again. Katherine then proceeded to use all her strength to kick her and Zandra could feel bones breaking. She knew that she would heal and such but the pain was too much and she just wanted it to stop. Her prayers seemed to be answered but something felt wrong.

"No you promised," Isobel said stopping Katherine by standing between her and Zandra.

"I compelled you," Katherine yelled angry.

"Not anymore," Isobel said tears in her eyes at the horror of the things she had done.

"Fine then suffers the consequences," Katherine stated.

Many things happened all at once. First Katherine pulled out a stake and pushed it into Isobel's heart. Zandra screamed tears falling as her mother's dead body fell next to her. Katherine moved to get to her only to be stopped by Klaus. Zandra couldn't even process that because all she could see was her mother's dead body, a mother that had broken through the compulsion to save her child's life. Zandra kept screaming even as Elijah came around and started to pull her away. She didn't want to leave her mother so she kicked and screamed crying out for a mother she would never get back.

Zandra Saltzman: Destiny (Vampire Diaries/Elijah Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now