4. Decisions and Revelations

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A body lay on the floor and Damon had been staked by her father while Tyler looked at her with yellow eyes indicating that he had broken the curse and activated the gene. Zandra stood up and walked over to her father who was about to kill Damon permanately.

"Don't do this," Zandra said putting her hand on his shoulder.

"He tried to kill you. He deserves this," Alaric said and Zandra saw how scared he had been, saw the worry.

"Yes he does but doing this makes us like him and we can't be like him Dad, we have to be better," Zandra said.

She saw him put his crossbow down and turn to walk had her back turned to Damon which wasn't smart because he had pulled the stake free and came at her but this time she was stronger, faster, and prepared. She used the access she had to vampire abilities and threw him out of the apartment following to add a few well placed kicks in the gut.

"I'm stronger now Damon. I've accepted my destiny and the next time you or your brother cross the line I will be there as the judge, jury, and upholder of the law," Zandra said slamming the door shut.

Zandra looked over at Tyler and saw him looking down at the dead body of a man in sadness, disbelief and guilt. She walked over to him and pulled him into her arms letting him seek comfort from her.

"It'll be okay," Zandra said pulling away to look at him.

"He attacked your father and I was just trying to help. I didn't realize until afterwards that he had been compelled," Tyler said.

"This isn't your fault it's Damon's," Zandra said sternly and when she saw him nod walked towards Caroline who was softly crying.

"I'm sorry," she said looking up at her from her place against the wall.

"This is not your fault it's Damon's and Katherine's," Zandra whispered grabbing her hand and pulling her up.

"I can't stay here," Tyler whispered.

"I can't either," Caroline said.

"Okay go to my room and wait there let me talk to my father," Zandra ordered.

Alaric watched the scene unfold and knew that she was going to leave with them. It seemed the Saltzman's were leaving Mystic Falls for places unknown. He smiled at her and saw the recognition in her eyes.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Are you sure?" She countered.

"We made a pact to stick together and there was no take backs daughter of mine," Alaric said smirking at her.

The next day Caroline had told her mother she had the opportunity to travel abroad which Alaric helped with and so did some compulsion. Tyler on the other hand had his uncle Mason help him with a cover story and his mother couldn't argue. The car was packed up and Zandra contemplated talking to Elena but she was still mad because Elena was becoming a Katherine 2.0 and didn't seem to care about her so Zandra decided against it. She did say goodbye to Bonnie and tried to get her to make a daylight ring but the Bennett witch refused pissing her off. That was the thing about witches, they were judgmental little things but luckily one of the powers she had gained as The Warrior was making daylight rings so she had no problem helping out her blonde friend.

It was decided that the four of them would indeed travel overseas to Germany where it had all started for The Warrior at least according to Esther. Apparently they started out as Seers and evolved from there. It also turned out that not only were the Saltzman's German but Alaric had an ancestor who was a great Seer and Warrior.

The arrived in the country and Zandra took it in loving the feel of it. Luckily they were able find a cottage not so much in the woods but still in the country so that she could help Caroline and Tyler learn control. Alaric went around to different libraries gathering as many books as he could about different legends while Zandra taught her friends control. They were actually doing very well especially Caroline but that was only because a wolf was harder to control.

One night she was looking with her father through some books of the family Saltzman that they had stolen from Isobel's stash when they found something. At first it had been about Seers and how they were revered as protectors and peacekeepers but then Zandra saw notes made by her mother.

"Zandra is a Warrior and I know now I must turn so I can protect her. She is already so strong at six that I know I don't have to worry about her."

There was another entry after that sometime after Isobel turned into a vampire.

"I hate Katherine Pierce so much. She told me that Zandra was not important but that the daughter I gave up, Elena was. I don't agree with her and it breaks my heart what I have been compelled to do. I have to turn off my emotions and hate my husband and daughter or Katherine will kill them. I hope that one day they will find this and understand that I love them and I'm only doing what I have to protect them."

Zandra gasped putting a hand over her mouth and saw her fathers questioning gaze. She handed the book to him and watched as he finished and realized what exactly had happened to Isobel. Alaric was right it wasn't her but Katherine all for Elena which wasn't fair. As Zandra clung to her father in comfort she vowed to do everything in her power to save her mother and protect those she loved no matter what.

~Zandra Saltzman~

Elijah had never been more baffled by something in his life until now. Finding out that Katherine had a child out of wedlock was surprising but not more so then finding out there was another doppelgänger living. Last night he had a dream about a woman, she had brown hair and blue-green eyes that looked at him with love. It made him want to find her like she was real and connected to him somehow. How he didn't know but he would find out no matter what he would find out.

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