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Zandra rolled her eyes when she saw Elena start to whine and glared at Bonnie when she tried to enter her mind. She thought her sister would change or at least grow up but apparently that was asking for too much. Her phone rang and she saw it was Tyler which meant that Caroline and her father were with him.

“Tyler,” Zandra greeted answering.

“How’s Mystic Falls?” Tyler asked.

“The usual. Damon being a dick, Stefan being broody, Bonnie being her judgmental self, and Elena being Katherine 2.0,” Zandra answered glaring at Elena when she started to scoff.

“We meant are there any problems,” Alaric called out.

“As of right now Dad there are no problems,” Zandra said rolling her eyes.

“Don’t roll your eyes they’ll get stuck in the back of your head,” her dad said.

“I’m hanging up now,” Zandra said ending the call on her iPhone.

“I’m not Katherine,” Elena grumbled out.

“Yeah and I’m not a Saltzman,” Zandra stated sarcastically.

The two sisters stared at each other before soon Elena was looking away and crossing her arms in embarrassment. That was a good thing in Zandra’s eyes maybe then Elena would get her act together and stop acting like a prat. It boggled her mind that they were actually sisters considering how different they were. Caroline had even pointed it out that Elena never seemed to understand what she did wrong and always excused the things Stefan, Damon and her did but if someone else did the same thing they were evil.

“I believe we have a deal to make,” Elijah said speaking.

“No deal is being made until I talk to my sister alone,” Zandra said grabbing Elena’s arm and pulling her towards the stairs.

Damon stood up to stop her but Zandra glared at him and the vampire growled before backing off. Elena struggled for a minute but she sent her sister a look and the girl calmed down. She came upon the first room she could find and slammed the door closed and laughed as she looked at Elena. The doppelganger was standing there with a face that demanded attention and respect like she deserved it.

“Do you want to be like Katherine?” Zandra asked.

“I’m not,” Elena started to argue.

“Really all your friends and family say you are so answer the question,” Zandra said interrupting her.

“No I don’t,” Elena mumbled.

“You are going to need to grow the fuck up then. Stop playing the Salvatore’s and choose one. Also you are going to need to get over this obsession you have of making it seem like you and the Salvatore’s can get away with anything but if someone else does the same thing their evil and bad,” Zandra said.

“I don’t,” Elena tried to interrupt.

“I didn’t say you could talk Elena so shut up. Do you know what our mother did for you? Katherine compelled her Elena to turn off her emotions after turning and to abandon me so that she could sacrifice you to Klaus to die. Our mother isn’t a monster like we thought and I will save her which means killing Katherine so deal with it. You are going to sacrifice yourself in that ritual because I know what will happen. If a doppelganger willingly sacrifices themselves in the ritual then they come back human,” Zandra stated glaring at her.

“Are you sure?” Elena asked and Zandra rolled her eyes because of course she couldn’t believe her own sister.

“Yes I’m sure. As much as I hate you sometimes Elena I don’t want you dead,” Zandra said leaving the room and knew Elena was following her.

Zandra paused in the entryway at the scene that had unfolded. Elijah had Damon in his grip choking and Klaus had Stefan on the ground with a broken arm. She heard Elena gasp in terror but Zandra knew from the way Damon looked at her that the two of them had instigated a fight.

“You two can’t stop causing problems can you,” Zandra said rhetorically.

“I suggest you make the deal doppelganger or your two boys die,” Klaus growled.

“Elena will be doing the sacrifice but you see the thing is you need her blood to use to transition hybrids,” Zandra said stepping into the room when the two Salvatore brothers were dropped on the ground.

“That will be problematic,” Elijah said looking at her and Zandra could see he was having a hard time taking his eyes off of her.

“A doppelganger that willingly sacrifices her life comes back human so no it won’t be but I won’t let you kill just any vampire or werewolf. Katherine will be your vampire sacrifice and I’m sure you can find a worthy wolf,” Zandra said crossing her arms over her chest.

“If the Salvatore’s intervene in any way I will kill them,” Elijah stated.

“They won’t and if they do go right ahead,” Zandra stepping closer to him.

In that moment of closeness Zandra could tell that it was going to be hard for her to not be with him until after the sacrifice. It felt like there was this invisible string pulling them closer together until there was no space left, until they could form a knot. Zandra knew that she was not the only affected because she saw Elijah clench his fists as if trying to hold back from doing something. She knew that things between might just heat up faster than either of them imagined and it would change them forever.

Zandra Saltzman: Destiny (Vampire Diaries/Elijah Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now