26. like magnets

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My story with Derek began with a look and a smile.

It sounds like something out of a movie. I've acted that scene myself a couple times in my acting career, but it's how it happened. It was eight years ago; we were both seventeen and dipping our toes in the modeling world. It was in a fashion show in Paris. He was one of the models and I was sitting in the front row of the left side of the runway.

Derek was a professional, even back then at the early phase of his career, so he kept his focus as he walked down the runway and looked straight ahead. I, on the other hand, got to enjoy the show.

It was in the after party when I was standing with a couple of my friends and he was with his friends, a few feet away. I think we both looked up at the same time and our eyes locked instantly. His lip quirked up in a smile and he raised his glass (of sparkling water back then) for me. I smiled and looked away, but I could feel his eyes on me for the rest of the night.

A look and a smile.

That's all it took for our story to begin.

We were dating within a week of that party. We kissed on our first date and we had sex on our six-month anniversary. We were inseparable after that...in a way, we still are.

We've been on and off for the past eight years. The last time that we got back together was three years ago. We were together for three years before we broke up a few months ago. Before that was over a year and I don't really remember anything before that.

Derek and I are like magnets. We are always drawn to each other no matter what and no matter how much time passes.

It's almost as if we have to break up in order for us to remember how good we are together.

We hadn't seen each other in a while until last night at Ian's party, but we've been on each other's radars. He watches my Instagram stories, I watch his. He likes my pictures, I like his. I think about him, he thinks about me...

Seeing him last night felt like no time has passed. We clicked instantly as soon as we were able to talk alone, just like we do every time. We've sort of followed this routine. We get together. We break up. We see other people. We get back together, and the cycle begins again. Some people may call it toxic, but it's exciting to me and to him. Why else would we keep repeating it? We're addicted to each other.

We break up but we know we're going to get back together. Our break up is a break, a chance to find ourselves and get better for each other. Derek always begins to date someone else almost instantly. It actually took him a bit longer this time, but I was waiting for it.

I was prepared to see him with my new replacement.

Jealousy still stung though. I hate to see him with other women. I hated to see him last night with her. I hated the way he touched her as they danced. The way he smiled at her. The way she looked at him. Other than the fact that she's not in the public eye, she is not different from the others. She's still my replacement. She's still just someone Derek is using to make me jealous. And, she'll be the reason we get back together.

It's nothing personal. It's just the way it is.

Other than the fact that she is sleeping with the man I love, I don't have anything else against her. Maybe I can even thank her the day Derek and I get back together.

All of this goes through my head when Jeremy asks me how it felt so see Derek again.

It's Sunday morning and we're having brunch at our favorite restaurant. Jeremy is the only family member I trust enough to be friends with. We're the outcasts of the family and that has brought us together. We've always been close. I would call him my best friend.

I grab a strawberry from the fruit bowl and take a bite as I think about Derek. He looked so good last night. When does he not? Truth is, I missed him terribly. That's why I jumped at the opportunity to see him. I owe it to the twins. I'll buy them some Louis Vuitton purses as a thank you later today.

"It was good," I say after chewing on the strawberries.

Jeremy smirks at me. "Are you guys back together or what?"

I smile. "Not yet."

"Why are you guys like this?"

"Like what?" I ask even though I know exactly what he means.

He moves his head to the side as he speaks. "You break up, you guys make each other jealous, you get back together, you guys break up and do it all over again."

I shrug. "It's fun."

I'm not gonna lie. I love the attention. Unlike other celebrities, I enjoy giving them what they want: a good story. Derek and I are alike in that sense. We love pictures. We love perfection. This career is obviously perfect for us, just how we're perfect for each other.

"It's exhausting just hearing about it."

I roll my eyes at him then purse my lips as I look at him. "What did you think of her?"

"Think of who?" he asks as he looks down at his food.

I half smile. "My replacement."

Jeremy grins. "She's hot."

My smile fades. "You're annoying."

He laughs. "What? She is. She's probably the hottest girl your idiot ex-boyfriend has dated."

I ignore his comment because I know he's just trying to annoyed me (which he is). "Did you tell her what I told you to tell her?"

"That you and Derek will eventually get back together? Yes." he looks at me. "Though the whole world knows so I'm pretty sure she already suspects it."

"She doesn't," I say reaching for my drink. I look past him, at the city view. "She's probably hoping it's different with her."

"It could be."

I glare at him. "Whose side are you on?"

"She's different, Sadie," he says casually. "Maybe it's what Derek needs?"

"What Derek wants is me."

Jeremy raises an eyebrow at me. "Now you sound like those crazy, obsessed ex-girlfriends."

"I'm not." I look at him. "Derek misses me. He's trying to get my attention. That's why he's dating her."

"I don't know. You heard about that couple that got married last week. They met through Ian's app."

I roll my eyes at him. "The stupid app is not a threat to me. Derek and I were destined to be together years ago, not two weeks ago when they got matched. Ian was smart. He's making the money and he's brought his best friend along to sponsor him." I smile. I suspect that Derek is seeing this girl because Ian probably asked him to. I know she turned him down that night, probably to catch his attention and, of course, it worked. I'm almost one hundred percent sure Derek is doing Ian a favor.

"So what do you think about her being matched to your beloved that night in a bar full of other women?"

I shrug. "I don't know, luck? She should buy a lottery ticket."

Jeremy chuckles. "Derek is not that worthy," he says. I narrow my eyes at him and he grins. "Remember when you hated him like three months ago when you guys broke up?" he asks.

"I didn't hate him. I was just...annoyed with him."

Annoyed. Surprised. Scared.

I panicked.

There is something that nobody knows except for me and Derek. It's the real reason we broke up. It's a powerful truth that I'm holding back, for now. I'm just waiting for the right moment. This truth will be what breaks that girl's heart because it's so obvious she's in love with Derek. She'll be stupid not to fall for him. She should have known better than to fall for him.

Derek is mine and I am his and there is absolutely nothing or anyone that can come between us. It'll be us together at the end of everything. There is no doubt in my mind.

I look at Jeremy and smile. "Okay, here's what I need you to do..."

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