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Name: Amantha Boring
Biographical Information
Date of Birth: Unknown
Age: 20
Status: Alive
Race/Nationality: Caucasian
Physical Description
Gender: Female
Height: 5'3
Mass: 110 lbs
More info;
Amantha is a short pale girl, she have long black hair with green eyes. Her parents drop her off at the Beacon Mental Hospatil at the age of 10. At first she was alone until she became friends with Leslie. A year later, seeing her parents coming back think she leaving but they drop off her baby brother Sam.
Amantha, spend time with both boys, and protecting Sam from Dr. Jimenez. She see Leslie like a big brother until he went away for awhile, she barely get to see him because that when Jimenez started to do more testing on her.

Name: Sam Boring
Biographical Information
Date of Birth: Unknown
Age: 10
Status: Unknown
Race/Nationality: Caucasian
Physical Description
Gender: Male
Height: 5'0
Mass: Unknown
More Info:
Sam is a little shorter then his big sister Amantha. He have the same black hair but short and he have blue eyes. His best friend is Leslie, they talked for awhile until Leslie went away for a while came back different but that didn't stop him hanging with Leslie.

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