Chapter 1

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I woke up from screaming from the hallways, that nothing new at Beacon Mental Hospital, but then I notice it wasn't just the patients but also the doctors and nurses. I look out my door window and seen Leslie, trying to look out his door window then he cover his ears. I look to the room next to him and it was my baby brother's room, Sam. "Leslie?" me and him grew close together, he was the only one who talks to me and my brother when we were dropped off here.
I heard him repeating the same thing over and over again.
"He's here"
"Who here Leslie?" He looks at me and gasp, then he points behind me. I slowly turn around and see a pale man standing there, white eyes, half-burnt body, stitches over his body. All I heard was Leslie scream, then darkness.

When I woke up, I felt my body getting drag. I look up and seen Leslie and Sam dragging me and Leslie repeating. "No, she got to wake up"
"She will Leslie...." Sam said,
"Leslie? Sam?" they drop my arms. I stand up and see Dr. Jimenez running behind us. "Thank god, Leslie you alright! Amantha, Sam?" I just look at him, I was scared of him after he did some testing on me. "Leslie, come with me, you be safe. Amantha and Sam, come with us, you two will be safe also."
"How will we know?"
"If he didn't kill both of you then, he will have your worst nightmare come alive" I just nod and got up, grabbed Sam's hand and follow them.
We made it out of the hospital and ran down the street until an ambulance stop beside us, a young woman opens the back door and told us to get in. We did, I notice we were going back to the hospital. "What? why we going back?" the lady look at me as Sam sat in the middle of us, "we have two officers in there. Hope they made it out" I started to have this funny feeling someone watch us then Leslie started to repeat "out". As we got near a man ran out, then the road starts caving in, "GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" I yelled the drive started to go, the man jumps in. The man asks if we were ok. "We are fine," the young woman said, then Leslie started to repeating "fine", next thing Sam lean to my ear and asked in a whispering way "Amantha, who that scary man next to Leslie?" I look up and see the same man from before. Then the ambulance started to shake, I look at the officer upfront then look at the man one more time but he was gone.
"What happen to him" I whisper to Sam, "he smile in a weird way then disappeared, like that x-men you like, nightcrawler" I jump when I felt a hand grab mine, I look and it was Leslie but soon after he started to repeat "fall" but the last one he yelled out and we jump out of the tunnel and fall to the ground, last thing I remember hitting my head on something.

I woke up outside of the ambulance, I look around and Sam was next to me watch me if I ever going to get up. We heard a sound and look toward the ambulance and the man crawling out of it. He looks at us, "are you two ok?" we nod, "what happens?"
"I don't know, I just remember...." I stop and look at Sam. "All I remembering was falling" Sam said, the man nodded at us.
"where the rest?"
"I just woke up and seen you crawling out"
"I woke up and only seen my sister and pull her out...." I stand up and grab Sam's hand and we started to walk together, "that boy and that doctor. Who are they?"
"Leslie is our best friend, he like a brother to me and the doctor..... I don't want to talk about him" I could tell he looked at me, "Who are you?" I asked "Sebastian..." I nod at him and keep on walking. We saw a house and Leslie running in it. "LESLIE!" Sam yelled out, and he took off running after him "SAM!" I took off after him. We ran into the house and the door shut behind us, we saw him climb out the window. "Man, he is fast," Sam said as we got to the window, the man stood there. I stop and pull Sam behind me.
"Who are you?" I asked, he look up at me and smirk. "You will see" he walk close then disappeared into the thin air. I look up and saw Leslie still running. I felt a hand on my arm. I turn around and it was Sebastian. "Stay close, monsters out there"
"Sam ran after Leslie," I said,
"Sorry, I'm sorry about him...."
"he is smart, I hope, then he knows how to get away from them"
"no buts...." I said to Sam,
" I'm here to keep you two and everyone safe" I look out to Leslie where I last saw him at. "Leslie..." I heard Sam said,
"come on, we need to get to him" we jump the window and started after Leslie.
We reach another house, and the man walks out. "Sir, do you know where we are?" Sebastian asked, I couldn't understand what he was saying but a bright light came out of nowhere. I cover Sam's eyes, then I look up at the man, "stay here" Sebastian told us, I just nod, then I saw the man turn into a monster, lucky I had Sam's eyes cover.
"Could that be the monsters Leslie once told me about?" I thought to myself.

~Flash back~
Leslie sat next to me and Sam after we got let out of our rooms.
"I saw them again," Leslie said,
"Them? who is them?"
"the monsters, they look like zombies and...and" he started to freak out a little. "Leslie, calm down, they are not here. I promise to kill any monsters that come after you"
"you be scared too"
"he wants you" I gave him a confused look.
"He?" Leslie covers his ears, "GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT OF MY MIND!" He ran around yelling and covering his ears. The male nurses came and tackle him to the ground, "take him to his room, Amantha...come with me, Sam goes play with the other kids" Dr. Jimenez said.
~end of flash back~

Sebastian snaps his fingers that bring me back, he was cover in blood. "They are dead but we must go before any more come back." Sam and I follow him, I was scared but not by the monsters but for Leslie because before he was sent away for few years, he was calm, nice sweet boy but his family didn't like something about him but I never knew what they didn't like maybe the same reason my parents drop Sam off a year after me.
When he came back, he changes; he started to repeat a lot more, hide in corners saying the monsters are there, dreaming that the white hood man is coming after him, but the most change Dr. Jimenez started to see him more.
"let sneak by those" Sebastian said, but Sam saw Leslie ran past some gates. "Leslie!"
"No, wait!" I yelled out to Sam. Sam ran past the monsters and I wasn't far from him. I notice the monsters look up at us but didn't run after us, they went back eating whatever they were eating.
I passed the gates as Sam stand there ahead-looking but then the doors they slam shut behind us.

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