Chapter 4

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"Please, stop...." I started to beg, I walk backwards as I was facing the door. I bump into someone, how I know I felt warm hands on my arms. I stood there, tears still running down my face. "Amantha?" I heard Sam voice, I turn around thinking it was Sam but no one was there. "Sam?" I heard the door bust open, I turn to look. She stand there, slowly crawling my way. I walk backwards into a wall. "I'm not going to die when my baby brother is out there!" I said as I pick up a chair, run toward her trying to hit her but she grab the chair and let out that horrible scream again, with her other hand, she back hand me on my side. Thought I hit the wall but somehow I land on a floor in another room. I sit up, "how in the hell?" I asked myself, I look around. "Shit, Jimenez office.." I stand up,
"Patient 58, Amantha Boring.
So Amantha, did you think about what I asked you.
'Yes, and the answer is no..'
But if you don't, your brother will be put on the STEM project
'He only 5! You can't do that to him'
He the perfect age and beside only you will miss him. Your parents don't care.
'Fine! I'll do it.....but remember when I turn 18, I'm taking my brother and Leslie out of this place and sue the hell out of this place and you!'
That the can't leave after the STEM project and if you denied it, your brother can't leave and Leslie can't either"
I was at his desk and saw the tape player stop. I look down, "so you risk your freedom, so I can stay sane?" I turn around and saw Sam. "SAM!" I ran and hugged him, he hugged me back. "You didn't answer me...."
"I knew when you hit 18, you could leave and tell the world what going on, I didn't want you go threw hell like I did under that STEM.... 'Cause he said I was the first to survived it to his knowing. I couldn't think about losing you. You all I got and Leslie...." I look around, "wait, where Leslie?"
"After he took you and Sebastian, I was stuck with Leslie and Jimenez. I fight with Jimenez over Leslie and the gun. He raise his hand and then bam, I was here. I heard everything on the tape"
"I wanted you to have a life, something I will never have..."
"You will, come on stay with me and you be safe sis!" After he said that I heard a growl, and watch him put his hand on his belly. "You work in the kitchen area right? Can you fix me something to eat?" Sam asked, I smiled at him, I was still scared but now for Leslie since I got my brother back. "Ok, but after we have to find Leslie and take him away from Jimenez" he nod, we walk into the hall. "Do you even remember the way to the kitchen?" He asked, "truth, yes and no.....have to find our rooms, but the male nurses blind fold me so just incase I go 'crazy' I can't find Jimenez" I said, we started down the hall. I saw one The Haunted. "Sam, use the gun..."
"Why? He won't hurt us.." Sam walk close to it and it turn around and saw him. I saw him try to attack Sam. "SAM!" I ran toward them, but Sam raise the gun and shot it in the head. The sound of the gun firing off was loud on my ears that they started to ring. I fell on my knees covering my ears. I look at Sam, he stand there looking at me. When the ringing stop, I stand up and uncover my ears. "He tired of playing games, now he want all of us to suffer"
"WHAT!? What we ever do to him!? We didn't ask to be in here! He could of let us go!"
"Where the fun in that?" I heard a voice behind me, my body went cold. I saw Sam eyes widen, "he behind me, isn't he?" I asked Sam, he shook his head yes. I grab Sam hand and ran straight, "What kind of friend want to hurt his friends?" Sam asked as he kept up with me. "He not your friend, really our friend but Sam when someone have monsters around them, they become monsters too!" I felt him stop, I look at him. "Sam, what the hell!? He could be right behind us!"
"I know what you mean by the change after Jimenez did testing on you....It was that STEM project not the hole, right? At nighttime, you scream so loud that when the male nurses came you attack them. I watch you rip one throat out with your teeth. Screaming, 'he coming....' you became a monster until Leslie came back. You went back to normal for awhile then the night before all this happen, you did it again, but this time you scream, 'He coming Leslie! Run Leslie!' the nurses had to give you a shot so you can go back to sleep"
"Who was he? I was screaming about?"
"Ruvik, the hooded man" I just look at Sam and then laugh "this another game or some kind of joke"
He look down, "Sam, I'm not a monster....the monster here, that hooded man that you just called Ruvik"
"He don't like to be call a monster....." Sam said as he let go of my hand and walk ahead. "If he didn't then why he act like on from the start..." I said to myself as I follow Sam.

Lucky we found our rooms but the walk was silent, I walk into my room. "What are you looking for?" Sam asked, "something to mark where we been.....when I was younger I stoled chalk and hide it in here. I know it around here some where" I reach under the desk and smile, I stand up and hold the chalks in my hand. "Here just incase, he slip us up again" I smiled at him but he just took it and walk out. "Hey, why you mad at me? It is cause I called Ruvik a monster?" He stop and look down, "you don't understand, you call people that on how they look and act. You don't understand his story.....and I'm starting to think you never will..." He started to walk away again. I went to the wall and wrote. 'Sebastian, Sam and I was here but if we are not here now. Look for writing on the walls maybe you can find us' I step back and look at it then ran up to Sam. "We have to turn left up here" I said but Sam stay silents, I hate when he not talking to me. I jump in front of him "fine! I'm sorry I called your so call friend a monster! Stop acting like this! We need each other now, since your 'buddy' got those creatures after us" he look up me with a smile, "I can easily forgive him like I have on you a lot of times but don't judge someone at first....." He started walking away again. "He confusing me by the is Ruvik a bad guy, good guy or in between?" I asked myself.

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