chapter 1 :)

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Y/n pov:

I've been living in my cabin for so long I am used to waking up right when the sun rises. I wake up and I go to my bathroom. I stole a clock from my parents old house so I always know what time it is. I take a quick shower, brush my hair and teeth, put on perfume, and  my clothes on. (Photo above) Grab my book, back pack and since I live in the deep forest I'm far from Hawkins middle so I have to leave 1 hour early to arrive.

It was a normal day at Hawkins when I arrive at class and I bring out my book and start reading until the bell rings for class to start.

*ring ring *

The bell rang and piles of students entered the class. I don't really pay attention to any of the kids at our school but there are these one group of 4 boys that I seem to be concerned about because they are always getting bullied. I think one of them is Mike who is named frog face, which is rude because he is perfectly fine, Dustin who is named Toothless because he has this condition where his teeth haven't grown in yet ,Lucas is called Midnight because of his color which is racist and to finish the 4 Will, named zombie boy because apparently he went missing was found dead in a  lake had a funeral then was found alive and supposedly brought back to life. Will seemed like a genuine sweet boy. He gave me a hug and welcomed me to the school the first day but he used to wave to me in the halls but ever since he went missing he hasn't been the same. but I'd rather someone come to me and talk to me then talk to someone else. The truth is I dont have any friends so my life is kind of a repeating cycle of never ending boredom. 

In the middle of class , I wasn't paying much attention to Mr.Clarke cause science is  boring but the door opens entering a red headed girl, and the principle. "Ah looks like we have our new student" mr.Clarke said excited. "Yep shes all yours" the principle says then closes the door and leaves. The red headed girl starts to walk to the back of the class assuming that she would sit next to be since I'm in the back left corner and the only empty seat was beside me. "no, no, no, no you dont get away that easily."Mr.Clarke stopped her. She looked annoyed then looked and me but I quickly went back to my book . She sighed and then went to the front of the class. "Dustin dromroll" mr.Clarke said.  Dustin closed his textbook and started hitting the book with 2 pencils.
"Our newest recruit all the way from sunny California, Maxine!" Mr.Clarke finishes and Dustin stops the drum roll. "Its Max" maxine answered.  " what?" Mr Clarke asked. " its Max no body calls me maxine." She said back. "Ok well welcome and you can take a seat next to y/n over there, y/n wave. " mr.Clarke said. Ugh why me. I didnt even care I just put my book up and then down. Max came over to her seat , and she looked at me then I looked back at her then at my book. I felt as if someone was staring so I look up from my book and the 4 boys are just staring at her she looks to the window and they turn around but then Will looks at me and I shrug and look at my book.

*ring ring *

ugh finally the bell rang . I walk over the my locker and switch my textbook to math. I closed my locker and max was behind it. It scared me and I jumped. But not saying anything. She just laughed. "Hi I'm Max" she says pulling out her hand. "y/n" I say. But not shaking her hand. She puts her hand down. "So what do you have next?" She asks. I can tell that she is trying to be nice but I dont want to talk to anyone and I dont want a friend. " math" i say then turn away. "Hey um , I'm sorry if I bothered you I just wanted to make a friend. " Max says stopping me in my tracks. I turn around and start walking back to her. " well you didn't bother me it's just no one has ever spoken to me before and I dont have friends, and I kinda want to keep it that way" I say back. "Oh I'm sorry to hear that but if you want , do you wanna be friends?" She asks. "umm you know what sure but just to say that you are my first ever friend so I don't know how to act or what to say around you. " I say . It's True I have never had a friend and I guess she was my first and only. "Great well um I gotta get to class but meet me after school by the back " she says. " ok " I say excited that I now have someone to talk to. "Bye max" I say waving at her and she walks away. " bye y/n!" She yells back. Wow I just made a friend. I feel noticed and loved.

{Hey guys I hope you enjoyed my first chapter and I Know its slow at first but I promise It will get better also I will post a playlist for my next chapter but then I will continue . Ok bai }

Word count- 909 words

- Eva <3

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