chapter 11 :)

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[time skip to summer after  1 year and 1 month]

Y/n pov:

Over about a year , it was finally summer yay!
In that year somethings happened. Will and i got together and have been inseparable ever since. So you could say we are better than ever. But we dont really kiss but eleven and mike got together and they kiss all the time. I always have to go to wills house instead because I dont wanna hear hopper scream "tree inch" anything. Lucas and Max got together but keep breaking up but then get back together dont ask me why. The whole upside down thing is much of a blur now. Dustin left for camp and is comming back soon. And thata really it. We are also starting high school next year, oh and a new mall called, 'star court' mall just opened. So tjay about it.

[Time skip to star court mall]

Y/n pov:

Lucas, Dustin, will and I were waiting outside for mike.
I was talking with will when I see mike on his bike riding our way.
We all walk up to mike. "You're late. " lucas said. "Sorry!" Mike said "again!" I say. "We're gonna miss the opening." Will said. "Yeah, if you guys keep whining about it. Let's go!" Mile said. "If you guys keep winning about it Nyeh-nyeh-nyeh." Lucas imitated mike.
"Just please stop talking dude. " mike said. " let me guess you were busy" lucas says making kissing noises. "Oh , yeah, real mature , Lucas." Mike said. Will and I chuckle.
"Oh el, I wish we could make out forever, and never hang out with any of our friend" Lucas said. Will and I burst out laughing. "Lucas stop." Max said. "y/n and Will think its funny" Lucas says. "Yeah because it is." Will says. I grab will hand. "Yeah, it's so funny that I want to spend romantic time with my girlfriend." Mike said. "I'm spending romantic time with my girlfriend" lucas says. I look at Will and give him a kiss on the cheek. He smiles

We make our way to scoops ahoy.
"Yeah! Watch it, need!" Erica Lucas's sister yelled. "Isnt it past your bedtime?" Lucas asked. ""Isnt it Time you died?" Erica asked. All her friends laugh. "Ooo cold " I say chuckling. "Psypho!" Lucas said to Erica. "Butthead!" She said back. "Mall rat!" Lucas said back. "Fart face!" She yelled back. Lucas blows raspberry. Max grabbed Lucas's arm. "Oh, now that was mature." Max said. "And entertaining " I added. Hug wrapped him arm around me. We entered scoops ahoy. Mike walks up and even though Robin is there he keeps rapidly pressing the bell. "Hey, Dingus, your children are here." Robin said. Steve opens the cupboard windows. "Again? Seriously?" Steve asked. Mike presses the bell one more time. Steve let's us through. "Come on , come on" steve says. We do this so we don't have to pay for tickets to see movie. "Sorry." I say. "Its fine. I swear , if anybody hears about this." Steve yells. "We're dead!" We all yell. Mile opens the door. We are going to see 'day of the dead'. "All clear " Mike says. We all enter the theater seats down. It goes? Mike, max, lucas, will, and me. (Seating arrangement) "see Lucas, we made it!" Mike whispered.  "We still missed the previews." Lucas said. "Still made it. Fart face." Max said and chuckled. "Shh." Lucas said then went back to watching the movie. We all handed each other our snacks and started watching the movie.  "Skittles?" Lucas asked max. "Thanks " max said. Then the music slowed and the power went out. "Come on" and "ugh" and just ramblings happened I the audience. "Oh come on" max and I said. I heard almost everywhere In Hawkins power shut down. Then it came back on. Everyone cheered. I looked over at will. Who looked speechless and was breathing heavy and then put his hand behind his neck. "Uh, Wil" I asked hitting his shoulder. He gasped. "Are you okay? " I ask him. "Yeah." Will answered me. "Are you sure?" I ask him again. "Of course ." Will said. Then I cuddled up against will. He put his arm around me. " you know you can talk to me right?" I ask him. "Yeah I know." Will said. If I'm being honest will and I haven't said I love you yet but I do truely I just don't know of I'm ready. 

[Time skip to the next morning]

I slept over at will that night and we were having breakfast and jonathan was in a huge hurry out. "Ew gross." Will says. Joyce sits down.  "What do you and y/n not you know make out?" Joyce asks. Will and I look at each other. "No only kissed " we say together. "Oh you say that now." Joyce says. I chuckle. Then joyce noticed something. She got . "Hey what happened here." Joyce asked. She picked up some magnets and looked at on of the pictures then hung it up and came back to the table. Will and I continued breakfast.
The party wanted to surprise dustin into his arrival after summer camp

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