chapter 2 :)

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Y/n pov:
it's the end of the school day when I go out back and meet with Max  I see her and walk over. "Hey!" max said "hi" I said in a soft voice. "look  , I hate to burst your bubble but I'm not a people person and I would like it if I could go home instead of watching you skateboard" I said kinda mumbling.  "well I didn't bring you for that." Max said she came up to me.
"The stalkers " Max says. "The what?" I ask. "You know the stalkers, look" she points making sure they couldn't see. She points to the 4 boys.

the boys pov:

"It has to be her" Lucas says.
"who is that" will asked.
"idk seems like that one lonely girl at the back of the class" mike said.
"Isn't her name y/n " will asked.
"oh ya anyway- SHIT guys max just whispered into y/n's ear" Dustin said.
"So ?" Lucas said 
"What if they are talking about us" Dustin asked.
"Trust me a girl like y/n doesnt gossip she keeps to herself." Will and mike say.
" ok then " dustin says.

Y/n pov: I bring out a peice of paper and a place marker. "Hey what about we write them a little note " I ask. "Amazing idea what should we right?" Max says "I have an idea" i tell her. We giggle . I write it on my knee and hand it to Max. I mumble random words and I walk inside school waving to her and then she crumples the paper and throws it in the trash and went into the school.

The boys pov:

"I mean she has a skateboard so shes pretty awesome" dustin says
"AWESOME!?" Mike says
" you haven't even spoken a word to you" mike adds on.
" you dont I mean look at her-SHIT I lost the target" dustin says anxious
"Oh over there with y/n" Will says.
~they see y/n hand Max a paper and then y/n walks into school and then max crumples it up and throws in the garbage ~

Dustin searches throw the garbage can and the others try and hide him. "GOT IT! Here we go." dustin yelled getting out with a crumpled peice of paper.

He unfolds it.

"stop spying on me creeps" they all said at once.
"Well shit"  Dustin says

Y/n pov: Max and I watched the whole thing we couldn't stop laughing. "Ya know y/n you have a funny side of you " max said hitting my shoulder. " well I've kept it in so long I've never noticed, for example this is the most I've ever talked in the past 2 years. " I said smiling "omg wow 2 whole years jeez, well now that I'm your friend you dont need to worry just be yourself." Max said. "Oh well I gotta go home do you wanna walk home together. " max asked. "Sure I will walk you home and then I can walk home ." I said not wanting her to know I don't have parents and that I live in a small cabin alone. "Ok let's go!" She said

I walked Max home.

I must have like 2 hours to get home now maybe I could go for a slight walk deeper into the woods when I get home.

I arrive home and I change into
(Photor above) I walk out and start going for a walk it was pretty dark and I couldn't really see. I trip over a trip wire.

" Ow , oh shit" I say as I look up to see a Cabin much bigger than mine. I hear the tv pause and foot steps to the door I run I as fast as I can until I hear the door open and I can't move I  get thrown in the air to the other side of the yard and oh boy did it hurt i just stay there in so much pain i cant move i feel the force on me stoo i slowly get up groaning in pain. I turn around to fine a short haired girl probably around my age. She just stars at me and she has a bleeding nose. "Who are you" she asks.
" I'm y/n" I say , I not going to do anything to you I just went for a walk and tripped over you trip wire im sorry I will leave" I say. "No, dont leave" she says kind of desperate. "Are you here alone?" I ask her. She nodded but then she said "but Hopper takes care of me but he isnt here yet " she said. "Wait. Chief Jim hopper ?" I ask. She nodded. " she started to fall down I ran and caught her brang he inside. She is so strange and I look at her wrist that says 011 on it. WAIT I have a 007 on mine what does it mean !?
I grab a warm towel and put it on her head wipe her nose and leave.
011 is eleven her name ? I dont think I should visit again she probably doesn't remember me. Well that was an adventure and ugh tommrow is Halloween at least I can see Max

Eleven pov:

Hopper wakes me up.
"Hey what's wrong why do you have a towel on your head. And where is there tissues everywhere?" Hopper asks.

y/n she helped me where is she. And why did she help me.  And I cant tell hopper about her he would kill me. What do I say.

" I-dont remeber" I say.
"Ok well time for bed" he leads me to my room.

"Goodnight El" he said
I dont say anything back
He closes the door .

Who was she does she know Mike?

I want to know but how.

Y/n pov :

I woke up with the sun again and did my routine and went to school I arrived and looked for Max but I couldn't see her so I went in the corner and read my book then I look up because someone was singing. It was the 4 boys in ghost buster halloween costumes. why did they where costumes nobody isnt going to wear them I continue my book when someone tapped on my shoulder.

"Max!" I say and hug her. "Hey" she said back. "Did you finish the science papers last night " I ask. "Yep and they were surprisingly really ea-

*ring ring*

Max was cut off by the bell . I walk down the hall to science with Max. "How come everyone class will 'Zombie boy' " max asked. "Well apparently Will went missing, then the police found a body in a lake that they thought was Wills but wasn't, they had a whole funeral and everything , then he was found and now alive as if she was brought back from the dead I guess" I explain to her. "Oh I get it now thanks" max said entering science "no problem " I say we sit down and get our papers out. Max stares at Will.
Jeez who is the stalker now I roll my eyes. I can feel the tension so I turn my head to see Will turn his head to Max and then Max looks at the window he looks at me and we exchange smiles and I continue my book and he looks away.

[Time skip to the end of class]

*ring ring*

I grab my stuff and walk out with Max I go to my locker and put my stuff in a switch from science to Language today. I walk over the Max's locker when Lucas And Dustin walk over with their Halloween costumes trying to play it cool...

◇hey guys thanks for reading the 2nd chapter of my story I hope you enjoyed and I hope you read the next. I cant upload anymore tonight because I'm getting really tired and its 12 am on a school night so, see you guys tommrow bai◇

Word count - 1333

- Eva <3

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