chapter 18 :)

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Y/n pov:

The pain is literally unbearable, I've never wanted to die so badly in my life. I wail and scream out in pain. "What is that?" Erica asks. "There's something in there." Mike states. No shit sherlock! God damn it! I scream again. I can feel the little mother fucker crawling around in there. "No!" I yell. "Jesus Christ." Dustin says disgusted. "Keep her talking. Keep her awake, okay?" Jonathan says then gets up and runs. "Hey, hey, hey." Will starts. "Stay awake, stay awake." Eleven repeats. "Let's get her on this side, on this side." Will starts. They move me. And I scream in pain. GOD THIS HURTS. "Easy, easy, easy, easy." Steve says. "It's, uh... you know, it's not actually that bad. There was a... The goalie on my soccer team, Beth Wildfire, this other girl slid into her leg, and like the whole bone came out of her knee..." robin stated. They all paused and looked at Robin. "Six inches or something, it was insane!" Robin explains. "Robin." Steve interrupted. "Yeah?" She asks. "You're not helping." Steve states. "I'm sorry." She says sadly. Jonathan comes back. I scream again. "Okay. All right, y/n?" He asks. I grunt in pain while eleven and will hold me up. "This is gonna hurt like hell, okay?" Jonathan states. I sob into saying okay. "Need you to stay real still." He says. Im breathing heavily and I can barely see my head is pounding my leg is literally feels like hell, and I'm sobbing I can barely talk. "Here, you're gonna want to bite down on this, okay?" Jonathan says. "Jesus christ." Dustin says. Jonathan gives eleven a wooden spoon and she puts it in between my teeth and I bite down on it. "Holy shit. Holy shit." Dustin says. "Do it." Will says. "Okay." Jonathan says. I start to get worried. Then I can feel the knife go into my wound. I scream and yell in pain. HOLLY FUCKING SHIT OWWWWWW. AHHHH
"Oh, shit." Dustin said. While everyone makes little disgusted noises. Jonathan drops the knife. And I scream and sob at the same time. God this hurts. Then I could feel jonathan insert his fingers in the bite. I scream at the top of my lungs as I'm literally about to break the wooden spoon in half with my mouth. Jonathan just freely moves his fingers through the wound LIKE I CAN'T FEEL SHIT. I dont think I've ever felt this much pain in my life. I keep screaming and omg! "Jonathan!" Nancy yells. "Stop talking!" Jonathan yells back. He keeps moving more trying to get the thing out. I scream as I cant take it anymore I need to do it myself. "No!" I yell and I spit the wooden spoon out. "Stop it!" I yell and he stops. "Stop!" I basically yell sobbing. "Stop!" I yell. I sob and I'm in so much pain I sit up. "I can do it." I say softly while crying. "I can do it." I say. And eleven helps me up. I then start to use my powers to get the creature out. I hiss in pain. And I start to yell. "God!" I yell. I wail in pain and look up and then back at the creature as it almost out. I scream as loud as I ever had and continue screaming and haven't stopped as the glass shatters around us. FUCK THIS HURTS. everyone screams. The thing finally gets out and I keep screaming in pain. I move it up and still screaming throw the mother fucker to the ground. When someone steps on it. I look up slowly as I'm so drained and in pain. It's Dad, Joyce, and this bald guy. Thank God.

[Time skip]

"The mind flayer, it built this monster in Hawkins, to stop y/n and El, to kill them, and pave a way into our world." Mike states. "And it almost did. That was just one tiny peice of it." Nancy adds. I was sitting/laying against hopper and drinking a soda. He gave comfort for me. "How big is this thing?" Hopper asks. "It's big." Jonathan says. "Thirty feet, at least." Jonathan says. "Yeah, it sorta destroyed your cabin." Lucas adds. "Sorry." Lucas says. "Okay, so, just to be clear, this... this big fleshy spider thing that hurt y/n.." steve starts when joyce looked over to hopper and I. "It's some kind of gigantic... weapon?" Steve asks. "Yes." Nancy confirms. "But instead of, like, screws and metal, the mind flayer made it's weapon... with melted people." Steve asks. "Yes, exactly." Nancy answers. "Yeah, okay. I-- yeah, I'm just making sure." Steve says as if he doesn't believe us. "Are we sure this thing is stopl alive?" Joyce asks. "Y/n beat the shit out of it,but yeah, it's still alive." Max sates. "But if we close the gate again." Will starts. "We cut the brain off the body." Max adds. "And kill it." Lucas finishes. "Theoretically." Lucas says. "Yoo-hoo!" The bald man storms towards us with papers. "Okay, this is what Alexei called "the hub." Now the hub takes us to the vault room."Murray states. "Okay, where's the gate?" Hopper asks. "Right here." Murray points to it on the paper. "I don't know the scale on this, but I think it's fairly close to the vault room, maybe 50 feet or so." Murray says. "More like 500." Erica states. "What, you're just gonna waltz in there like it's commie Disneyland or something?" Erica asks. Hopper looks shook. "I'm sorry, who are you?" Murray asks her. "Erica Sinclair. Who are you?" Erica asks with Sass. "Murray... Bauman." Murray answers. "Listen, Mr.Bunman. I'm not trying to tell you how to do things, but I've been down in that shithole for 24 hours. And with all due respect, you do what this man tells you, you're all gonna die." Erica sates. Damn. Hopper looks confused and Murray is offended. "I'm sorry, why is this four-year old speaking to me?" Murray asks. "Um, I'm ten, you bald bastard." Erica says. Wow the mouth on that. I stan for it. "Erica!" Lucas says in disbelief. "Just the facts!" Erica says to Lucas. "She's right. You're all gonna die, but you don't have to. Excuse me." Dustin says. "Sorry, may I?" Dustin asks. "Please." Murray says with sarcasm. "Okay, see this room here? This Is a storage facility. There's a hatch in here that feeds into their underground ventilation system. That will lead you to the base of the weapon. It's a bit of a maze down there, but between me and Erica, we can show you the way." Dustin explains. "You can show us the way?" Hopper asks. "Don't worry, you can do all the fighting and dangerous hero shit, and we'll just be your... navigators." Dustin explains and softly smiles. "No." Hopper says firm. Dustin and erica's face drop. "Nope." He says again shaking his head.

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