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Jameels eyes shot open. Aaliyah he thought, my Aaliyah. Where have you gone? Do you know how much I've needed you over the past few months? He looked at his ring, but for some reason he didn't feel happy. I needed you there at my engagement today, he thought, my parents weren't there for some stubborn reason but I wish you were. I could of used your support. He closed his eyes and Chammis words rang around his head. Jameels eyes shot open, and he dropped the picture he was holding. Was it true? His whole body was trembling.

Jameel ran to his mum. He silently knelt down, and put his head in her lap. He just lay there, not saying a word. His mum stroked his hair lovingly. "What's the matter my darling?" Jameel just lay there sniffling. "You should be happy. You're engaged to the girl you wanted. Who you did everything for. Who you threw our Aaliyah away for." "Why don't I feel happy mum?" "I told Aaliyah this day would come. It has." "What day? What are you talking about?" "Jameel, I've been saying this for ages. Your in love with Aaliyah." "Mum, please stop. I'm not. I'm upset my best friend wasn't there for my engagement." "Yes, best friend who along the way somehow captured your heart." "No, I'm just upset she wasn't with me on my engagement. She's been with me through everything, so I feel lost." "Yes Jameel, she's been with you throughout everything, and supported your every desicion, because she wants you to be happy. She even handed over you to Chammi, because it'd make you happy. You were ecstatic, not knowing her heart was breaking." "Stop it mum. She just did what any good friend would do."

"Ok Jameel, answer me this. When Aaliyah gets hurt, why do you get so angry?" "Because she's my best friend and it hurts me, seeing her in pain." "But why do you get so angry, when other men flirt with her?" "Because they don't deserve her." "How do you know?" "Because I'm her best friend. I know who she deserves." "Who's that?" "Someone who thinks the world of her. Someone who treats her like the princess she is." "Someone like you?" Jameel took a few steps back. He started shaking uncontrollably. He ran to his room, and collapsed on his bed. What was happening? What was happening to him as well? Why was he feeling like this?

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